Closing/Submission Deadline: Local Time, 10th December 2024
RFA Code: IB38-TAP6
SUBJECT: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Tool
Purpose of the RFA: Designing and implementing a CRM Tool
Eligible Organisations: Experienced Consultant/Organisations with expertise in developing and implementing robust digitally-enabled Customer Relationship Management platforms in developing countries specifically with technology solutions and design expertise
TechnoServe invites you to participate in this competitive solicitation for proposals related to the design and implementation of a digitally-enabled Customer Relationship Management tool for an input supplier company based in Phnom-Penh, Cambodia. The work will be conducted closely with the CASA Technical Assistance Facility and the company’s team.
Position Location: The project will be completed in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Anticipated start date: 5th January 2025
Estimated Duration: The timing of the project is January 2025 – February 2026
Issuance of this RFA does not constitute an award commitment on the part of TechnoServe, nor does it constitute a commitment to pay for costs incurred in the development of an application.
Questions regarding the RFA requirements must be submitted in writing to by the deadline listed above. Include the RFA Code and Subject in the subject line for your questions.
A. Background
TechnoServe ( is a non-profit, economic development organisation with sustained commitment to its 50-year old founding mission to work with enterprising men and women in the developing world to build competitive farms, businesses, and industries. We are business specialists assisting farmers and other entrepreneurs in 29 countries, increasing their access to information, capital, and markets. The increased income our clients derive enhances resilience and prosperity for their families and communities.
TechnoServe was competitively selected by the UK government’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) to lead part of a seven -year programme – Commercial Agriculture for Smallholders and Agribusinesses (CASA) – focused on driving catalytic change in how investors view and invest in agribusinesses operating in supply chains with significant numbers of smallholder producers. CASA is focused on increasing economic opportunities for smallholder farmers by:
- Enabling more smallholder farmers to engage with and trade into commercial markets;
- Demonstrating the commercial viability of agribusinesses with significant smallholder supply chains and attracting more investment into these businesses;
- Deepening the smallholder impact of investments made by development finance institutions and impact investors.
TechnoServe’s role on CASA is to establish and operate a £10 million Technical Assistance Facility (TAF) to support agribusinesses that have received development finance institution (DFI) or impact investor financing to extend and deepen their smallholder impact. The facility provides grants and technical assistance to agribusinesses that have received financing from a DFI (e.g., BII, FMO) or an impact/patient capital investor (e.g., Dob Equity, Barak Fund) for projects which will increase the volumes of purchases from smallholders and bring new smallholders into business supply chains. CASA TAF’s aim is to increase the development impact of individual deals and help build an evidence base of the potential development returns from agribusiness investments that can be used to raise expectations of investors from future deals. CASA TAF has the potential to re-define the role that private investments in agriculture can play towards driving development impact for millions of smallholder producers across the globe. Over 7 years, our objective is to work with 40 agribusinesses to increase sales and productivity of over 70,000 smallholders, and increase jobs and rural income generation opportunities.
B. Program Description:
CASA TAF is working with a Cambodian import and distribution business focused on agricultural crop protection products, fertilizers, bio-stimulants and seeds. The company will pilot a ‘phygital’ sales and marketing model that will drive adoption and effective application of bio-stimulants by smallholder rice farmers in one leading rice-producing province of Cambodia neighbouring Phnom Penh. The company will leverage a combination of physical touchpoints and digital channels to support distribution channel partners, lead farmers, and smallholder customers through:
- Demonstration plots and farmer group training: demonstrate bio-stimulant effectiveness through demo plots and group trainings of smallholder farmers, leveraging a bespoke sustainable rice agronomy protocol
- Distribution channel support: training designed for sales team, distributors and retailers on key selling messages for bio-stimulants, including when, how and where to use bio-stimulants for maximum impact
- Digital marketing: leverage digital channels to educate farmers on benefits of bio-stimulants, promoting further acceptance of the product category among smallholder farmers and driving additional bio-stimulant purchases
- Customer Relationship Management CRM: develop a simple digital platform to manage channels, including field team, distribution channel partners, lead farmers and members of farmer groups and gather further data to inform pilot management.
There is potential for the model to capture ~9,180 farmers by 2030 as the model scales.
I. Duties and Responsibilities
1. Inception Phase : setting the scene
a. Assess current operations, current communication channels and identify gaps and opportunities
b. Understand the development plan envisaged by the marketing team
c. Call out main users and understand their specific needs, potentially including ;
i. sales and marketing team : support in pushing sales, identify customer needs, provide marketing and technical guidance; collect and analyse qualitative and quantitative feedback…
ii. distribution channels: support in how to sell the products and their combinations, providing technical guidance to existing and potential customers, ability to follow stocks and restock, provide feedback…
iii. lead farmers: support in promoting the products and their combinations, receive technical information, provide feedback and potentially aggregate demand to local channels…
iv. end consumers (i.e. farmers): receive technical guidance on how to use biostimulants, ability to feedback and order through local channels…
d. Define push and pull functions supporting the overall “phygital” model
e. Report on findings
2. Design Phase
a. Draft architecture of the tool and proposed features based on different types of users and the needs assessment
b. Identify specific use cases of the tool and relevant data which will be collected and produced from the tool
c. Develop timeline for development, implementation and upscaling
d. Present to the company for validation before development
3. Development Phase
a. Develop a prototype and MVP based on initial requirements that can be tested with a small group of users
b. Identify commercial and operational KPIs that should be monitored
c. Develop the tool gradually, along two agricultural seasons (wet and dry) for gradual scale up
d. Train users on basic use and additional features developed after first season
e. Include new features and train the teams to push and pull through the tool, broadcast messages, information and videos
f. Monitor and evaluate implementation with users (sales team, channels and consumers)
4. Scale up recommendations
a. Assess tool implementation, adoption rate and quality of adoption
b. Provide guidelines for day-to-day use onward
c. Provide scaling up workplan and recommendation up to 2030
d. Submission of final report including key findings and lessons learnt
II. Deliverables
Activity |
Deliverable |
Anticipated due date |
Inception Phase : Establish existing and potential channels of distribution and communication, way to improve and enhance them.
User requirements document detailing the assessment of current operations, gaps and opportunities identified to develop the most adequate tool |
30th January 2025 |
Design Phase: recommendations on the suitable technology solution and implementation of the CRM Tool |
Prototype of the tool that can be tested to a subset of users Document providing detailed recommendations of the suitable technology solution(s) including integration and implementation based the most appropriate content structure and delivery approach |
20th February 2025 |
Development of the technology solution and recommended features of the platform
Document with the technology solution design and framework, and the solution development and implementation recommendations, user guidelines |
15 March 2025 |
Training of User and Wet Season Pilot Phase |
Training of users in the company and channels prior to the launch for 2024 Wet Season |
30 April 2025 |
End of Wet Season Report |
Wet Season implementation report, highlighting lessons learnt, successes, proposed improvements and updates |
31 August 2025 |
Development Phase II |
Development of proposed updates and scale up (potential additional features) implemented during Dry Season |
30 October 2025 |
End of Dry Season Report |
Dry Season implementation report, highlighting lessons learnt, successes, proposed improvements and updates |
15 December 2025 |
Final Report |
Summary of latest updates included in finalised user guidelines and recommendations for scale up up to 2030 |
15 February 2026 |
III. Expected Impact:
Through this initiative, it is expected that the business will reach at least 2,295 farmers in the Prey Veng province by the end of the pilot. Specifically, we expect the following impact:
● Improved farmer yields by at least 10% at the end of the 18 months
● Optimised farmer incremental net profit 29% per season
● Improved soil health conditions, , reduced emissions and longer term climate resilience
For the business, the expected commercial impact includes:
● ~4.5 times more bio-stimulant top line revenue and gross profit vs Management’s baseline projection
● Incremental net profit 18% out of top line revenue
IV. Skills Required
Experienced Consultant / Organisations with expertise in developing and implementing robust digitally-enabled Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platforms in developing countries specifically with technology solutions and curricula development expertise
Track record of successfully supporting companies in developing and implementing technology enabled CRM models; with experience within developing economies in South East Asia, shared value models and retail networks preferred.
Expertise in micro-learning in-app messaging, SMS and Whatsapp/Telegram platforms, and experience with designing, developing, implementing push/pull solutions for retail.
At least 5-7 years of relevant experience required.
Advanced degree in technology or education, or other relevant fields preferred.
Experience working with SME businesses required, and experience in the South East Asia region will be reviewed favourably.
Prior consulting experience will be reviewed favourably.
Strong stakeholder engagement and communication skills required.
Demonstrated leadership skills, teamwork and relationship building.
Proven expert analytical and quantitative skills.
Excellent written and verbal communication and interpersonal skills.
Strong computer skills, including tech solutions development, LMS platforms, MS Word, PowerPoint, and Excel.
Ability to work independently, flexibly, and responsively.
Ability to adapt to changing working conditions.
Ability to prioritise and meet deadlines.
TechnoServe, CASA TAF & FCDO aim to create an inclusive culture of best practice with the delivery partners with whom it engages and which receive UK taxpayers’ funds. All Supply Partners should adhere to the overarching principles of the Supply Partner Code of Conduct:
Act responsibly and with integrity
Be transparent and accountable
Seek to improve value for money
Demonstrate commitment to poverty reduction and FCDO priorities
Demonstrate commitment to wider HMG priorities
C. The Application and Subaward Process
Application Submission
The subaward application process under this RFA will consist of two (2) phases of competition where full applications shall be submitted by interested parties to TechnoServe for evaluation. Applications should address:
● How the organisation intends to carry out the project – proposed approach, actions/activities and timelines, and project/stakeholder management plan
● Milestones and results to be achieved over the life of the project
● Past performance and institutional capacity
● Team structure; roles and responsibilities of each team member
● Budget details
● Exit strategy
● General and country-specific DoC policies and procedures, insurance policies, experience, etc. when international travel is involved
● Declaration regarding:
1. Adhere to the overarching FCDO Code of Conduct principles and recognise, mitigate and manage risks;
2. regarding anti-terrorism, security and safeguarding;
3. regarding tax evasion, bribery, corruption and fraud;
4. disclosure of current staff member(s) previously employed by DFID;
5. Conflict of Interest policy and Whistleblower policy (and/or declaration they will share FCDO reporting lines with all staff/contractors).
Step 1:
Applications will be developed and submitted by the Applicant to TechnoServe utilising the templates provided (or other referenced material as stated in the RFA) in accordance with all guidelines by the stated submission deadline. Late submissions will not be accepted.
The main body of the technical proposal should be no longer than 40 pages.]
Step 2:
Applications will be vetted by TechnoServe staff to ensure each application meets the requirements set forth in this RFA. Any applications failing to meet minimum requirements will be disqualified from competition. The minimum requirements include the eligibility criteria, use of application templates provided, submission by the deadline, etc.
Step 3:
Applications received within the application deadline that meet the minimum requirements set forth in the RFA will be evaluated by a Selection Committee using the following criteria:
Selection Criteria |
Scoring |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
Maximum Score |
100 |
The Selection Committee will recommend those applications with the highest scores for award. As applicable, the Selection Committee may request applicants to provide additional information and edit their applications. In such cases, the Selection Committee will also establish a deadline for submission of revised applications.
Step 5:
Successful applicants will be notified by TechnoServe and will begin to work with TechnoServe staff to revise their applications to be incorporated into a full subaward. This step will include a pre-award risk assessment.
Step 6:
Following the successful conclusion of the application process and acquisition of any required donor approvals, TechnoServe will issue the successful applicant(s) with a subaward with details on the scale, scope, cost, and terms and conditions. Whenever possible, TechnoServe will meet with new subrecipients to provide an orientation outlining the main requirements for performance and reporting.
Step 7:
Throughout the duration of the subaward, TechnoServe will monitor the subrecipient’s performance and compliance with all subaward terms and conditions.
D: Program Budget Submission and Costing guidelines
Individual subawards will vary depending on availability of funding, nature and scope of program activities, the period of implementation, and justification of costs proposed. Although consideration will be given to all applications received by the deadline, it is recommended that the total budget requested from TechnoServe does not exceed 30,000.00 £. Subawards will be issued on a competitive basis and only to a selected number of applicants.
While reviewing application budgets and budget narratives, the Selection Committee will ensure that:
1. The budget application reflects all the resources necessary for program implementation (Direct and Indirect Costs, as applicable).
2. The budget narrative provides details on all types of costs planned, cost per unit and cost justification. The budget narrative should be prepared using the provided Budget Notes template.
3. All costs budgeted are eligible. Information on eligible and ineligible costs can be found here: Budgeted costs categories may include but are not limited to:
a. Personnel: Salaries and benefits for full and part-time staff involved in the project. Staff can be paid only for activities performed within the framework of the proposed project. All personnel expenses must be justified with information on the role of the proposed staff in project implementation.
b. Consultants and Other Outside Services: Fees for any external consultants or contracted firms required to support subaward activities.
c. Travel: Flights, per diem, and any other required travel costs for project personnel to conduct implementation activities.
d. Office Costs: Any required cost for the sub recipient's local office to support project implementation.
e. Supplies and small equipment under £500: Any project-related supplies and small equipment with a unit cost under £500.
f. Equipment: Any project-related equipment with a unit cost above £500, such as project vehicles or generators.
g. Other Direct Costs: Any other direct costs of the project, such as costs for conducting training, developing publications, etc.
h. Indirect Costs: If applicable, organisational overhead costs.
Pre-Agreement Costs - TechnoServe will not reimburse costs incurred prior to the effective date of the subaward. In special cases where pre-agreement costs are necessary to comply with the proposed delivery schedule, TechnoServe may discuss and negotiate with the applicant the approval of certain pre-agreement costs. Such costs are only allowable with the prior written approval of TechnoServe.
E. Submission Guidelines
Applicants must submit their applications, budgetary information as well as any other information responding to the terms, conditions, specifications and requirements of this RFA to:
TechnoServe CASA TAF
To: Benjamin COUSIN, Inclusive Business Manager
Email Address:
Applications must be received by the submission deadline specified on the first page of this RFA. Late submissions will not be accepted.
F. Reporting Guidance
1. Financial Reporting
This is a Fixed Amount subaward. No financial reporting on expenditures is required.
2. Program Reporting
Program/technical reporting will be defined during the contract negotiation stage and is expected to be closely linked to the milestones to be defined in the Subaward.
Please mention "www.Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply!
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