Feed the Future Cambodia Harvest III (“Harvest III”) is a five-year USAID-funded activity to promote sustainable, broad-based economic growth through increased diversification, inclusion, resilience, and competitiveness in Cambodia’s agriculture sector. Through private sector engagement in key agriculture market systems, the activity creates better jobs and improves livelihoods, diets, and overall well-being for Cambodians, especially women, youth, and marginalized populations. Harvest III hereby issues an RFA to invite technical applications from private entities and organizations seeking to participate in our program.
I. Objectives of this RFA
This RFA is designed to enhance food safety and market efficiency in traditional markets. It targets innovations that will increase customer access to safe and nutritious products for the following commodities: fish, seafood, vegetables, and chicken. Applicants should propose innovative approaches to achieve the following results:
• Improve food safety standards and practices at traditional markets; and
• Increase market efficiencies through local collection points, trading hubs, proper food storage, and improved packaging, branding, delivery, distribution.
Grant award amounts are anticipated to range from $50,000–$100,000, depending on the scale of activities and the expected results. The grant activities will be implemented and completed during a period of 12 months, but it can be extended to 18 months based on the applications’ business need.
II. Eligible Parties
This program is primarily directed at:
• Private service providers, food producers, processors, and food distributors.
• Agricultural federations, agricultural unions, agricultural cooperatives, and farmer associations.
• Non-profit organizations are willing to co-invest in food safety standards for traditional markets.
• Investors who are interested in promoting food safety standards at traditional markets.
All entities must be registered in Cambodia and may be either Cambodian or foreign-owned. They must adhere to Cambodian policies on deforestation or reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Any firm not adhering to such policies is ineligible to receive a grant award from Harvest III.
III. How to Apply
1. Briefing session. Friday, September 6, 2024, at 2:00p.m–4:00p.m. This session will review the information in the RFA and provide an opportunity for applicants to pose questions. Applicants interested in attending the briefing session are requested to register online through: https://forms.office.com/r/fqUevdRuhP, by September 2, 2024.
2. Closing date of full applications: Full applications must be submitted no later than October 4, 2024 via email Grants@harvest3-kh.com. Please include “Technical Application for Harvest III RFA” in the subject line. Required documents submission includes:
• Attachment A – Technical Application
• Attachment B – Budget Application – Excel File
• Attachment C – Budget Narrative
• Attachment D – Application Self-Assessment
Please mention "www.Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply!