WWF-Cambodia works to conserve the region’s biodiversity and build a
secure and sustainable future for people and wildlife. WWF Cambodia
works on the ground and in partnership with Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and
WWF-Cambodia was established in Cambodia in 1998 as a part of the WWF Greater Mekong Programme. WWF’s mission in Cambodia is to ensure that there will be strong participation and support from all people to conserve the country rich’s biological diversity. Through the encouragement of sustainable use of natural resources, WWF- Cambodia promotes new opportunity for the benefit of all people, enhancing local livelihood and contribution to poverty reduction in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
WWF-Cambodia would like to announce the items for sale in Phnom Penh office through the sealed bid process as follows:
Closing date: 23 September 2024 at 5:00PM
Announcement of successful bidder: 25 September 2024
Cash and Carry items sold must be removed by 5.00 pm on 27 Friday, September 2024
Detailed bidding information (items for sale and minimum price) is available from the receptionist desk at WWF-Cambodia Office in Phnom Penh or field offices in Kratie and Mondulkiri from 8:00 AM -12 PM and 1:30 PM – 5:00 PM (Monday to Friday) or by this email attached. You can visit those items in the WWF, Phnom Penh office every working hour.
All bids must be in a sealed envelope with the exact item number that corresponds with the items for sale list with “full name, mobile contact, bidding amount, name of items, signature” and submit to Admin department, Phnom Penh Office, or field offices of WWF.
• The items will be sold to the bidder with the highest bid. The item will be sold in its present condition without any warranty.
• The minimum price bid for each item is provided on the attached form.
• To qualify, all bids start at the minimum above-mentioned price. Bids lower than the aforementioned price will be rejected.
Note: If any item is bid with the same highest price, the first submitted bid is prioritized. There are 17 items for sale. Bids not in sealed envelopes and without highlighted item numbers will not be considered.
For further information and/or clarification please contact to Mr. So Thy, Admin officer via phone number or telegram: 092 338 313.
WWF-Cambodia was established in Cambodia in 1998 as a part of the WWF Greater Mekong Programme. WWF’s mission in Cambodia is to ensure that there will be strong participation and support from all people to conserve the country rich’s biological diversity. Through the encouragement of sustainable use of natural resources, WWF- Cambodia promotes new opportunity for the benefit of all people, enhancing local livelihood and contribution to poverty reduction in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
WWF-Cambodia would like to announce the items for sale in Phnom Penh office through the sealed bid process as follows:
Closing date: 23 September 2024 at 5:00PM
Announcement of successful bidder: 25 September 2024
Cash and Carry items sold must be removed by 5.00 pm on 27 Friday, September 2024
Detailed bidding information (items for sale and minimum price) is available from the receptionist desk at WWF-Cambodia Office in Phnom Penh or field offices in Kratie and Mondulkiri from 8:00 AM -12 PM and 1:30 PM – 5:00 PM (Monday to Friday) or by this email attached. You can visit those items in the WWF, Phnom Penh office every working hour.
All bids must be in a sealed envelope with the exact item number that corresponds with the items for sale list with “full name, mobile contact, bidding amount, name of items, signature” and submit to Admin department, Phnom Penh Office, or field offices of WWF.
• The items will be sold to the bidder with the highest bid. The item will be sold in its present condition without any warranty.
• The minimum price bid for each item is provided on the attached form.
• To qualify, all bids start at the minimum above-mentioned price. Bids lower than the aforementioned price will be rejected.
Note: If any item is bid with the same highest price, the first submitted bid is prioritized. There are 17 items for sale. Bids not in sealed envelopes and without highlighted item numbers will not be considered.
For further information and/or clarification please contact to Mr. So Thy, Admin officer via phone number or telegram: 092 338 313.
Moreinfo: https://www.wwf.org.kh/wwfcambodia/job_opportunities
Please mention "www.Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply!
NGOs Fund