“Housing and living conditions improvement project in urban poor communities of Phnom Penh” (“HaLI”) project
HaLI Phase 2
Over the past 25 years, Phnom Penh has experienced significant population growth, rising from 567,850 inhabitants in 1998 to 1,237,600 in 2008, and reaching 2,281,198 in 2023. Rural urban migration is mainly responsible for this growth, but the quest for employment opportunities, loss of land resources and climate change (rapid increase of floods causing total loss of crops) also explains this population growth. It is not well controlled and eventually leads to the establishment of hundreds of precarious settlement areas where absence of land rights, poor informal dwelling, lack of access to services, high rate of unemployment and risks of fire and flooding, but even more so risk of forced eviction, is the norm.
In 2017, Planète Enfants & Développement (PE&D) started the pilot project, in partnership with Samatapheap Khnom Organization (SKO), Habitat for Humanity Cambodia (HFHC) and Credit Mutuel Kampuchea (CMK). The project adopted a holistic community-led approach (Participatory Approach to Safe Shelter Awareness – PASSA) to achieve Climate Change Adaptation (CCA). The Overall Objective of the Project was to mainstream climate resilience into community development planning in four of the most vulnerable urban poor communities in Mean Chey and Chbar Ampov districts in Phnom Penh in order to reduce the risks associated with climate change.
Following the success of the pilot project, development of the project named “the autonomy and living environment of communities in precarious neighborhoods of Phnom Penh was developed as a Phase 1. This Phase 1 is a three-year project cycle, starting from July 2018 to June 2021, implemented in partnership with SKO. This project aimed at improving the living and housing conditions in eight targeted precarious communities in the South of Phnom Penh, while tackling the socio-economic and environmental issues faced by its inhabitants.
Likewise, the Housing and Living Conditions Improvement in urban poor communities of Phnom Penh (HaLI Phase 2) is another three-year project, started from July 2021 to July 2024, targeting eight vulnerable communities in Sensok and Prek Pnov districts of Phnom Penh, The Phase aims to improving the living and housing condition of habitats through expansion of its project activity to economic empowerment and gender equity and education for children. This phase has expanded the partnership with other implementing partner organizations including Samathapheap Khnoum Organization (SKO), Community Empowerment Development Team (CEDT), Sipar and Chamroeun microfinance.
This project is funded by the French Development Agency (AFD) and the Abbé Pierre Foundation (FAP). The total budget for Phase 2 is 840,902 Euro.
1. Objective of the HaLI Phase 2
The overall objective of the project is to improving the livelihoods of urban-poor families in targeted precarious communities in Phnom Penh, with specific objectives:
Support the most vulnerable families in resolving problems through psycho-social monitoring, extra-curricular support and simple and affordable home improvement solutions;
Strengthen mechanisms of solidarity, advocacy and collective resilience in the face of climate change in communities;
Promote gender equality through financial empowerment of families in targeted communities; and
Develop in-depth knowledge of the areas of intervention and carry out research action.
2. Purpose of the Evaluation
The Project of Phase 2 has been implemented for 36 months (July 2021-June 2024). The purpose of the final evaluation is to assess the overall project performance against the expected results set up in the framework documents and annual workplan of the 3 year project. The specific purposes are:
a. To examine the contributing factors for achieved results;
b. To identify causes for any underperformance against targets;
c. To gather the lessons learnt, and best practices obtained during the project implementation;
d. To analyze strengths and weaknesses of the project implementation;
e. To examine the relevance of partnerships to deliver planned activities including methodology used, partner capacity built, and responsibilities shared between PE&D and its partners.
f. To draw a conclusion and provide recommendations for ongoing support and continuation development of the third Phase.
3. Scope and focus of the evaluation
3.1 Scope
The final evaluation will assess the effectiveness of the implementation strategy and the results. This will include the implementation modalities, implementing partners’ roles and responsibilities, coordination, partnership arrangements, beneficiary participation, replication and sustainability of the program. Project management including the implementation strategies, project activities, it will assess the extent to which the project results have been achieved, partnerships established, capacities strengthened, and cross cutting issues of mainstreaming gender, and socio-economic challenges have been addressed.
3.2 The Evaluation Questions
Adopted OECD criteria, the following key questions will apply as guideline for the end of project evaluation:
a. Relevance
b. Coherence
c. Effectiveness
d. Efficiency
e. Impact
f. Sustainability
In responding to the abovementioned criteria, the evaluation questions should be focused on the program activities in following aspects:
Methodology of family support (Family Development Approach)
Opening of community house centers
Housing renovation kits, full renovation, and training of local builders
Economic empowerment (micro- business and vocational training)
GALS Approach/ CAFE Trainings
Tutoring and reading sessions for children
Setting up the PASSA groups
Community micro-projects/ small infrastructures
Urban farming activity
Production of studies, cartography, consultations
Partnership with implementing organizations (stated in introduction)
4. Institutional Arrangements
The evaluation will be managed by PE&D, under the support of relevant staff members including the country director, M&E officer, and HaLI project team,including partners.
The HaLI Project Manager will be a focal person for this evaluation for any consultation on technical review and feedback.
5. Methodology for Evaluation:
The evaluation methodology should be participatory and inclusive (consultations with all stakeholders, such as gender, age, disability and other vulnerability considerations). As this final evaluation is summative, qualitative and quantitative methods should be applied for data collection and analysis for measuring impacts and changes over the project cycle. The holistic approach is strongly encouraged to apply to understand the maximum impact of activities delivered on individuals as well as targeted communities.
5.1 Data Collection
In terms of qualitative data collection, consultants are expected to conduct interviews and/or focus group discussions with the partners (donors such as local implementing partners) and the key actors and stakeholders of the project. They are also expected to partially collect data from the field. Finally, they are required to meet the local authorities involved in the project.
In terms of quantitative data collection, evaluators will be provided with secondary sources (i.e. reflection workshop, annual reports, review meeting results, results from any tool implemented by PE&D for data collection, etc.) and survey questionnaires if necessary. At the same time, the evaluator shall consider other external secondary data sources when / if necessary (i.e. reports and surveys on urban poor communities of Phnom Penh).
6. Expected Deliverables:
The following deliverables are expected.
6.1 Inception report: This inception report will include the evaluation matrix summarizing the evaluation design, methodology, evaluation questions, data source and tool for data collection and analysis for each data source, and the measure by which each question will be evaluated. The inception report will include the scope of work, work plan, timeframe, and analysis schedule after starting the evaluation process. This inception report should include a proposed schedule of tasks; activities and deliverables, with clear responsibilities for the assigned personnel. The inception report will be discussed and agreed upon with capable stakeholders.
6.2 Validation workshop: The evaluator will prepare a draft evaluation report and organize a workshop to share project stakeholders. This will include all donors and implementing partners of the project (local and international) as well as the project team. Different workshops can be planned with different audiences to share the information and validate the findings in the most appropriate manner.
6.3 The Final Report (20 to 30 pages): This will be submitted 10 working days and will include comments for the project stakeholders. The content and the structure of the financial evaluation should include finding, recommendation and lessons learnt obtained during the project implementation. The content should include the following:
● Executive summary (1-2 pages)
● Introduction (1 page)
● Methodology and limitation (2-3 pages)
● Main findings including SWOT analysis (15-20 pages)
● Lessons learnt and best practices (2-3 pages)
● Conclusion and Recommendations for Phase 3 (2-3 pages)
● Appendices: chart, terms of reference, field visit, photo, document reviewed
7. Duty Station
The contracted evaluator can perform assignment at their preferred workplace, but he/ she is required to have some travels to the project sites in Khan Sensok and Prek Pnov; For any face-to-face consultation meeting, the contracted evaluator is required to come to the PE & D Cambodia Office.
8. Scope of Price Proposal and Schedule of Payments
The budget for this consultancy fee is 13,000 US$ (all inclusive of expenses related to the consultancy). The contract price will be fixed regardless of changes in the cost components.
The consultation shall be paid the consultancy fee upon the completion of the following milestones.
Milestone |
Detail |
Amount to be paid |
Expected Timeframe |
1st installment |
This will be paid after adaptation of inception report by PE&D |
30% |
Within 5 days after approval of the report |
2nd installment |
This will be paid after the validated workshop from the draft report |
40% |
Within 5 working days after approval of draft report |
3rd installment |
This will be paid after satisfaction and approval of the final report from PE&D |
30% |
Within 5 working days after approval of final report |
9. Required expertise and qualification
The evaluator must have the following expertise and qualification:
- At least a master’s degree in Urban Planning, International Development, Development Economics/ Planning, Economics, public policy and in any related university degree.
- Extensive expertise, knowledge, and experience in the field of evaluation of the development projects related to urban planning, land management, housing solution in urban poor communities
- At least five years of experience working with international organizations and donors, with an extensive experience and knowledge in Monitoring and Evaluation, documents analysis and report writing for stakeholders
- Experience working on research projects related to urban planning, land management, informal settlements and housing solution in urban poor communities;
- Extensive knowledge in tool development and analyzing qualitative and quantitative data;
- Strong analytical skills with good command of statistical analysis application; good command in IT skills; and
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in Khmer and English. Working knowledge in French would be an advantage
10. Management Arrangement
The contracted evaluator will report to the HaLI Project Manager for a review and comments for finalization, and request for any technical and logistic support during this assignment. The HaLI Project Manager will consult among the teams on technical and logistical aspects where necessary.
11. Timeframe for the Evaluation Process
The evaluation will be conducted between March to April 2024 for an estimated 30 working days. The evaluator will be provided with information to prepare (with the
support of the HaLI team) a table with tasks, timelines and deliverables, for which evaluator will be responsible and accountable, indicating for each task and who is responsible for its completion.
12. How to apply
All nationalities are welcome to apply. Application is open to a consulting firm, group or an individual consultant.
Interested applicants should apply by presenting the following documents:
a. Resume, indicating similar experience and personal data such as address and contract number, includes three professional references;
b. Cover Letter, describing interests on this assignment, and why individual considers him/herself the most suitable for this assignment, and a methodology, if applicable, on how he/she will approach and complete the assignment; and
c. Financial Proposal, indicating the all-inclusive fixed total contract price, supported by breakdown of costs.
13. Selection Criteria
Applications will be evaluated in consideration of the Evaluation Criteria as stated below:
The offer will be evaluated by using the Best Value Money approach (combine scoring method). Technical proposal will be evaluated on 70% whereas the financial part will weigh 30%. The breakdown is detailed below:
Criteria |
Weight |
Technical |
At least a master’s degree in Urban Planning, International Development, Development Economics/ Planning, Economics, public policy and in any related university degree. |
10% |
Extensive expertise, knowledge, and experience in the field of evaluation of the development projects related to urban planning, land management, housing solution in urban poor communities |
10% |
At least five years of experience working with international organizations and donors, with an extensive experience and knowledge in Monitoring and Evaluation, documents analysis and |
20% |
report writing for stakeholders |
Experience working on research projects related to urban planning, land management, informal settlements and housing solution in urban poor communities; |
10% |
Extensive knowledge in tool development and analyzing qualitative and quantitative data; |
10% |
Strong analytical skills with good command of statistical analysis application; good command in IT skills; and |
5% |
Excellent written and verbal communication skills in Khmer and English. Working knowledge in French would be an advantage |
5% |
Total Weight on Technical Proposal |
70% |
Financial |
Budget proposal clearly stated in appropriate formatting structure, indicating individual lines of spending activity |
10% |
Reasonable allocated personnel cost with maximum of 70% of the total proposed budget |
10% |
Reasonable allocated cost on logistics arrangement with maximum of 30% of the total proposed budget |
10% |
Total Weight on Financial Proposal |
30% |
Total Weight |
100% |
Please email to contact provided below: pok.sreyneang@planete-eed.org Deadline: February 10, 2024 before 5pm (Cambodian Time)
Moreinfo: https://planete-eed.org/en/job-offers/
Please mention "www.Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply!
NGOs Fund