CAPFISH-Capture: Post-Harvest Fisheries Development project is part of the Cambodia’s Program for sustainable and inclusive growth in the Fisheries Sector program. The objective of this project is to contribute to the development of post-harvest fisheries through upgrading of the regulatory and institutional system, as well as the adoption of better practices and innovations by the private sector.
The CAPFish Project is announcing the 2nd Call for Proposals for Value Chain Investment Support (VCIS) - Fast-Track Scheme (FTS). The Project seeks proposals from post-harvest fishery enterprises and their key input suppliers in Cambodia. Export-oriented enterprises, women-led businesses, youth entrepreneurs, or entrepreneurs with disability are encouraged to apply. Applicants shall focus on business development and food safety compliance which will contribute to improving their competitiveness and access to new markets.
The enterprises can request Equipment and Technical Assistance under two different windows:
- Window 1: The Project co-invests 70% for the implementation of a business plan with a maximum value of equipment of up to USD 30,000 to micro- and small fisheries post-harvest enterprises which include collectors, traders, processors, wholesalers and retailers, and processing groups.
- Window 2: The Project co-invests 50% for the implementation of a business plan with a maximum value of equipment of up to USD 100,000 targeting medium and large enterprises or export oriented enterprises.
Interested Cambodian enterprises are required to submit applications in line with the requirements outlined in the 2nd Call for Proposals. The short-listed enterprises will be invited to attend the training and submit a business plan.
If you have questions, please send them by email or call by phone: 023 900 974.
Please mention "www.Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply!