Position: Government Liaison Subnational Officer (M’lup Russey)__Deadline:16Aug

The Govt. Liaison Subnational Officer will be a full-time position, responsible for organising their own daily schedule, and implementing the tasks in their job description, respecting the annual work plan, and working very closely with all the other sector team members, especially the Govt. Liaison Managers. He/she will be responsible for overseeing the work of whole sector among project bases.

Essential duties and responsibilities:

  • Work directly with sub-national and local authorities to identify vulnerable and OVC children.
  • Maintain good relations with DoSVY officials and local authorities.
  • Coordinate with sub-national authorities, local authorities or other departments in roles and responsibilities, intervene in cases of child and vulnerable children, and assist children and youth in processing legal documents such as family books, ID cards, birth certificates and school transfers.
  • Take responsibility for organising their own daily schedule, and implementing the tasks in their job description, respecting the annual work plan and working very closely with all the other Sector team members. He/She will be responsible for overseeing the work of whole Sector and coordinating the Govt. National Team.
  • Ensure that national and sub-national authorities have good member of the alliances with Mlup Russey
  • Ensure that government officials at all levels actively participate in supporting the Mlup Russey program.
  • Ensure that all stakeholders implement programs to support vulnerable and children in accordance with agreed policies and strategies.
  • Ensure quality action reports and transparent procurement reports.
  • Coordinate with DoSVY, local authorities to participate in the implementation of the assessment procedure to identify families, relatives, parents in childcare in the target area of MRO indicator.
  • Coordinate with sub-national authorities and relevant working groups to organize discussions and conferences on children’s cases to address challenges for children to receive appropriate services in the community.
  • Coordinate with sub-national authorities and relevant working groups to strengthen the capacity of all caregivers in accordance with relevant standards and policies.
  • Implement monitoring and evaluation using a participatory approach with MRO monitoring and evaluation tool define by M&E Coordinator.
  • Join DoSVY, local authorities and other stakeholders in rescuing children in emergencies and seeking care services for vulnerable and children.
  • Engage with relevant staff to strengthen the capacity of the program’s target groups to implement relevant procedures and policies for assisting children and victims.
  • Participate with sub-national authorities in monthly, quarterly, and annual meetings to address OVC issues.
  • Coordinate training sessions, workshops with sub-national authorities and local authorities to strengthen additional knowledge of relevant policies and standards on roles, responsibilities, and case management.
  • Use participatory approaches to encourage ownership and decision-making, sub-national and local authorities in the community.
  • Plan and implement monitoring and evaluation procedures using participatory methods.
  • Work closely with other Mlup Russey coordinators and managers
  • Produce and disseminate advocacy on shared media about child protection.
  • Attend team meetings and play an active role in the team life MRO.
  • Produce monthly, quarterly, and annual reports.
  • Generate data, get information about all relevant partners.
  • Liaise and cooperation with relevant ministries, government agencies or national and sub-national authorities in support of Mlup Russey programs.
  • Coordinate with staff to implement activities in accordance with the strategic annual plan.
  • Participate in meetings to support national and sub-national technical support for government child protection guideline.
  • Collect quarterly reports of working groups and ministries to include in other government reports.
  • Participate in meetings with the committee to lead the development of the organization of Mlup Russey.

Qualifications and requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in law/social worker or equal field related
  • High ethical standards and ability to endorse principals of confidentiality.
  • Good command of English and able to translate from English to Khmer
  • Use computer and database word processing skills.
  • Ability to initiate ideas.
  • Experience in facilitating teamwork.
  • Experience and skills in facilitating training courses or workshops.
  • A good understanding of alternative care and other policies and guidelines.
  • Fluent in Khmer and English.
  • Experience in report writing skills and demonstrate analytical ability to report to donors and other stakeholders.
  • Experience in advocacy and networking. Able to present M’lup Russey in the broader community, including national and local government settings, Social Work sector and NGO representation.
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills
  • High standards of Computer literacy.
  • Aptitude for need-based research to build on project strengths and address weaknesses.
  • Demonstrated understanding and commitment to social justice and issues impacting on vulnerable children and youths.
  • Supportive of M’lup Russey ‘s Mission Vision and Core values.
  • Comprehensive knowledge of government laws and policies and standards related to child protection.
  • Good leadership and management skills
  • Advocacy with the government by promote MRO reputation.
  • Work experience with national, sub-national government ministries and local authorities
  • Skills in child welfare and child protection or child right
  • Good communication and coordination skills with the government
  • Ability to initiate organizational development ideas.
  • Extensive experience in working with MoSVY, provincial level and village level authorities.
  • Computer spreadsheet and database word processing skills
  • Working relationship with MoSVY, and understanding of alternative care policies
  • Ability to take initiative.
  • Experience working and understanding of alternative care issues.
  • Current driver’s license
  • Ability and willingness to follow and apply M’lup Russey’s Christian values.

Position type:

This position is for a Cambodian National, contracted on an annual basis subject to probation and annual appraisals.  Salaries will follow the M’lup Russey salary structure, and terms of employment are stated clearly in the M’lup Russey Local Staff Employment Manual. M’lup Russey Organization has the right to change notice in JD update if any requirement from Management Team Member.

Work environment/dynamics:

M’lup Russey rents an office building. The Government Liaison Subnational Officer will have a workspace in a room with the other members of the Management or Administrative Team. Team dynamics are friendly and supportive, and Khmer is used almost exclusively as the language of day-to-day communication.

Submission of Applications

Interested candidates should send a full written application with contact information, no later than on 16th Aug 2023 to: M’lup Russey Office, #4F&5F Phoum Thnort Chrum, Sangkat Beong Tumpun, Khan Mean Chey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Office phone: (855) 078 222 660 or email recruit@mluprussey.org

Moreinfo: https://mluprussey.org/en/jobs

Please mention "www.Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply! 



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Cambodia Jobs: Position: Government Liaison Subnational Officer (M’lup Russey)__Deadline:16Aug
Position: Government Liaison Subnational Officer (M’lup Russey)__Deadline:16Aug
Cambodia Jobs
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