Position: Project Progress Evaluation of An Inclusive Labour Market in Cambodia – support to people with disabilities (FCA)__Deadline:07May

1.    Background of the evaluation
Finn Church Aid (FCA) is Finland’s largest international aid organisation with more than 70 years of experience. We contribute to positive change by supporting people in the most vulnerable situations within fragile and disaster-affected areas through development cooperation, humanitarian assistance and advocacy work. FCA’s vision is a world comprised of resilient and just societies where everyone’s right to peace, quality education and sustainable livelihood has been fulfilled. FCA has been working in Cambodia since 1970’s with other local and international organizations. In 2011, FCA established its field presence and office in Cambodia. We work in three thematic areas, including Peace (Youth Work), education, and livelihoods.

Currently, Finn Church Aid and Arbetsförmedlingen are working in cooperation to implement the project “An Inclusive Labour Market in Cambodia – support to people with disability” with the overall project objective (Impact). This project is to promote an inclusive labour market in Cambodia by supporting job seekers with disabilities finding productive employment, with a special focus on youth and women. The project timeframe is from 1st September 2021 to 31st December 2023. The project is funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).

Project Name

An Inclusive Labour Market in Cambodia Support to People with Disabilities

Overall objective (impact)

The overall project objective is to promote an inclusive labour market in Cambodia by supporting job seekers with disabilities finding productive employment, with a special focus on youth and women.

Project objective (outcome)

The project objective is to strengthen the capability of NGOs and NEA supporting job seekers with disabilities finding productive employment, by supporting the role of young people as agents of change in the democratic development of the society


·         Increased knowledge in vocational rehabilitation for managers and staff at NGOs, NEA and NISE

·         Increased capacity of young people to act as agents of change

·         Increased knowledge in gender equality in relation to disability and its impact on living conditions

·         Increased knowledge in the role of labour market policy for an inclusive labour market.

Project Location

Phnom Penh

Target groups

Jobseekers with disabilities

Implementing Partners

Swedish Public Employment Service (Arbetsrmedlingen) in cooperation Finn Church Aid (FCA)

NGOs Partners


1.    People’s Action for Inclusive Development (PAfID)

2.    Phnom Penh Center for Independent Living (PPCIL)

3.    Essential Personnel Cambodia (EPC)


This project is being implemented using Result Based Management (RBM) as a main method for describing the process and sequence of activities implemented to create the conditions for the desired long-term impact. RBM is a management strategy aimed at achieving important changes in the way organisations operate, with improving performance in terms of results as the central objective.

From the previous projects implemented by Arbetsförmedlingen, employment for people with disabilities has proven to be a challenging topic in Cambodia. Most efforts for people with disabilities are made by NGOs and driven on a voluntary basis. The NGOs are dedicated and many of them are doing very well, especially on an individual level. Nevertheless, there are rooms for improvement when it comes to systematic and methodological performance. Based on project description and previous project implementation learning, the project progress evaluation is going to review the project progress from its inception until now and generate lesson learnt to inform and improve the continuity of the project’s implementation and further increase its impact.

2.    Rational, purpose and priority objectives of the evaluation
The purpose of this project progress evaluation is to identify to what extent the project's progress is achieved against its set objectives. This will be done by adopting standard evaluation of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development – Development Assistance Committee (OECD-DAC): Relevance, Effectiveness, Impact, Efficiency and Sustainability,  while also considering cross-cutting issues such as gender and disability inclusion. These criteria will also determine the scope of work for this assignment. This evaluation also intends to demonstrate FCA and Arbetsförmedlingen's accountability in project implementation with our current implementing partner NGOs with concrete recommendations beyond the project implementation timeframe. The evaluation result will be used by FCA and Arbetsförmedlingen for learning and improving the quality in future projects and by Sida for to also learn, and potentially use it as basis for taking decision on a potential continuation of the project.

3.    Scope of the evaluation
The project progress evaluation will cover the full project periods including the inception phase; and the selected target areas of Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Kampong Cham and Kapong Speu Provinces (covering the period of September 1 st, 2021 until May 31st, 2023).  The scope of the progress evaluation will focus on project results as in the agreement with Sida and as indicated in the project proposal, project workplan and logical framework matrix. For further information, the project proposal will be provided upon request. The scope of the project progress evaluation and the proposed methods of the evaluation shall be further elaborated on by the evaluator in the inception report, if necessary.
Direct Beneficiaries and stakeholders:
  • Jobseekers with disabilities
  • NGOs Partners
  • Project Team
  • National Employment Agency (NEA)
  • Other stakeholders including relevant policymakers

4.    Evaluation questions
The evaluation questions are:
Relevance: Is the intervention doing the right thing?

To  what  extent  has  the  intervention  objectives  and  design  responded  to beneficiaries’, partner needs (NGO partners, NEA .etc), and priorities?
  • Is  the  intervention  a  technically  adequate  solution  to  the  development problems?
  • Effectiveness: Is the intervention achieving its objectives?

To what extent are the projects activities (outputs) and approaches contributing to a strengthened inclusive labour market in Cambodia for persons living with disabilities?
  • To what extend has the participating NGOs in the project gained capacity to assist job-seekers with disabilities in the job-seeking process in Cambodia?
  • What are the reasons for the achievement or non-achievement of the objectives and what lessons can be learnt from these?
  • Has the project coordinated sufficient with other actors working in this sector?

Efficiency:  How  well  can  the  costs  of  the  project  be  justified  by  the achievements?
  • To what extent has the intervention delivered, or is likely to deliver, results in an economic and timely way (cost-efficiency)?
  • What measures have been taken during planning and implementation to ensure that resources are efficiently used?

Sustainability: Will the benefits last?
  • To what extent will participating NGOs and NEA manage to sustain the achieved results and strengthen them in a more systematic cooperation for the future?
  • To what extent will MoLVT manage to maintain and possible increase their support for jobseekers with disabilities regarding vocational training and employment

More questions are expected to be developed by the tenderer and further refined during the inception phase of the evaluation. 

5.    Methodology required & available data
The evaluator should facilitate the entire progress evaluation process with careful consideration of how everything that is done will affect the use of the progress evaluation. It is therefore expected that the evaluators, in their tender, present i) how intended users are to participate in and contribute to the evaluation process and ii) methodology and methods for data collection and data analysis that create space for reflection, discussion and learning between the intended users of the progress evaluation.

It is expected that the evaluator describes and justifies an appropriate evaluation approach/methodology and methods for data collection and data analysis in the
tender. The evaluator is required to speak Khmer in order to speak with the beneficiaries directly during the field visit or at least to have its own translator.

The evaluator is to suggest an approach/methodology that provides credible answers (evidence) to the evaluation questions. Limitations to the chosen approach/methodology and methods shall be made explicit by the evaluator and the consequences of these limitations discussed in the tender. The evaluator shall to the extent possible, present mitigation measures to address them. A clear distinction is to be made between evaluation approach/methodology and methods.

6.    Evaluation process
The evaluation needs to be completed by 31 Auguest 2023. The Consultant is to comply with the following process/phases:
  • Contract signing and kick-off meeting. The agreed documents will be provided for the desk review / study.
  • Desk review/Assessment to action
  • Submitting the inception report which consists of updated evaluation methodologies/tools and field work plan. The agreed inception report, tools and field work plan must be made available to FCA prior to the field data collection. The inception report will be checked and commented by FCA.
  • Field data collection: The consultant will be responsible for recruiting data collectors, training them, translation and transportaion to the field. To be transparent and accountable, FCA/Af staff could be invloved but would not participate in the field data collection or field work.
  • Presentation of preliminary findings to FCA, Arbetsförmedlingen and possibly Sida
  • Submitting the draft report combining the findings of the desk and field studies and recommendations for feedback/comments, leasson learnt and proposed strategies for the future.
  • Submit final progress evaluation report. The final report will be considered final upon the agreement and approval of FCA.
7.    Timetable


Duration (day)

Kick-off meeting


Desk review, data collection plan and inception report


Preparation for field work


Interviews and field work


Data analysis


Presentation of preliminary field findings


Report writing and submission of the draft progress evaluation report for collecting feedback from FCA, partners, and donor


Validation Workshop (FCA will cover the arrangement costs)


Policy brief and future project roadmap


Submission of the final project progress evaluation report



40 Days

8.    Deliverables & Payments
  • Inception Report
  • Workshop to share preliminary findings and documentation
  • Policy brief and future project roadmap
  • Project Progress Evaluation report – Draft
  • Project Progress Evaluation report and presentation – Final


Payment %

Upon approval of the Inception report


Upon approval of draft report


Upon Approval of final report


The Consultant shall complete and submit the following documents with the proposal:
a.    Proposal Submission Form (use FCA template) duly completed and signed by the Consultant;
b.    Detailed budget breakdown consisting of consultancy fees (per day) and all- inclusive fees (travel, insurance, incidentals, accommodation, materials etc.)
c.    CV highlighting the Consultant’s experience in the specific field of the services and his/her specific experience in the country/region where the services are to be performed;
d.    Two examples of relevant previous evaluation reports and three references.

The Consultant shall also provide all relevant information that gives evidence of his/her qualifications to carry out the services.

The Consultant whose proposal is accepted shall provide, if so requested by the Contracting Authority, copies of diplomas and employers’ certificates or references proving his/her education, professional experience and language proficiency.

9.    Skills and qualifications required
The  Consultant  hired  for  the  assignment  should  meet  the  following  minimum requirements:
  • At least having 5 evaluations of experience in conducting program/project evaluations as sole evaluator or team leader in gender and disability inclusion; and disability and employment.
  • At least Master’s degree in International Law, social work, development studies, statistic, project management or other relevant field,
  • 15 years of experience working in inclusive labour market-support to people with disability, employment and disability inclusion, organizational development/institutional strengthening is prerequistite.
  • Proven  record  of  accomplishment  of  producing  clear  written  analysis  and
  • recommendations for further development of programme
  • Demonstrated in-depth knowledge of human rights-based approach, disability inclusion and gender in development.
  • Knowledge of the context of Cambodia/Southeast Asia
  • Deep understanding of current topics in development policy and public employment services and cross-cutting issues
  • 10 years of experience in conduting research (including quantitative, qualitative and participatory research methods), information analysis and report writing
  • Fluency in spoken and written English; (any translation and intepretion needed, it is under the evaluator responsibilities) Khmer would be an asset but not necessary.
  • Cultural sensitivity and inter-cultural communication skills.
10.    Budget
  • An all-inclusive indicative budget (excluding VAT) can be max. EUR 20,000 and is contingent on consultant providing justified reasons. A budget breakdown in EUR is requested (Template in Annex 1).
  • The net amount is subject to withholding of taxes based on the Cambodian taxation regulations and laws.
  • Fee/time-based price: The Consultant shall indicate in the proposal: (i) the proposed daily fee-rate and (ii) his/her all-inclusive fees covering travel, insurance, incidentals, accommodation, translators’ fees, materials, possible enumerators, etc.
  • FCA will not make reimbursements and expects the Consultant to factor in all costs required for this proposal. DSAs are not paid.
11.    Bids assessment 

Qualitative award criteria


Skills / expertise of the evaluation team


Methodology for structuring, data collection & analysis


Organization of tasks and timetable


Price factor: cheapest tender / this tender


12.    Terms of contract
  • Confidentiality – Highlight any confidentiality concern
  • The Consultant is responsible for payment of all social costs, other employment related costs and insurance contributions and for all other liabilities of a statutory nature.
  • The consultant will have to abide by FCA CoC, Child Safeguarding policy and any other relevant policies
  • The consultant will provide a debriefing session (in Helsinki or via Skype) to present the main findings and recommendations
  • Copyright for the report will remain with FCA.
  • The Consultant shall undertake to keep all the information as strictly confidential and shall not disclose it to third parties without the prior written consent of FCA. The Information received hereunder shall not be used for any purpose other than for the purpose of the contract.
  • During the assignment, the consultant does not represent FCA and has no mandate to negotiate, make commitments or agree on behalf of FCA.
13.    Submission process
i.    Validity of proposals
Proposals shall remain valid and open for acceptance by FCA for a period of 14 days after the closing date. The Consultant shall guarantee his/her availability for the assignment in his/her proposal.

ii.    Submission of proposals and closing date
Please provide all the above documentation in a single consolidated document. Proposals must be received by e-mail, no later than 7 May 2023 at 5:00 pm (ICT) to Cambodia@kua.fi. Late, incomplete or partial bids will be rejected.

iii.    Award notice and signature of contract
Prior to the expiration of the period of the validity of the proposals, FCA will notify the successful Consultant in writing that his/her proposal has been accepted. In this notification, FCA will enclose the Contract, in which the terms of the successful proposal, together with the terms agreed during negotiations, will have been incorporated.

Within 5 days of receipt of the Contract, the successful Consultant must sign and date the contract and return it to FCA.
Upon receiving the signed Contract, FCA will notify the unsuccessful Consultants in writing of the result of the negotiated procedure.

iv.    Cancellation for convenience and adjustments/changes
FCA may for its own convenience and without charge or liability cancel the present procedure at any stage, and adjustments and/or changes are subject to be undertaken under its required situations and priorities.

  • Outline of the technical proposal template
  • Outline of the inception report template
  • Outline of the progress evaluation report template
  • Assessment grid (upon request)

Please mention "www.Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply! 



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Cambodia Jobs: Position: Project Progress Evaluation of An Inclusive Labour Market in Cambodia – support to people with disabilities (FCA)__Deadline:07May
Position: Project Progress Evaluation of An Inclusive Labour Market in Cambodia – support to people with disabilities (FCA)__Deadline:07May
Cambodia Jobs
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