Position: Consultancy to Conduct Policy Gap Analysis in Mine Industry in Cambodia (Oxfam)__Deadline:07Mar

Oxfam is committed to preventing any type of unwanted behaviour at work including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity and financial misconduct; and committed to promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults. Oxfam expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment through our code of conduct. We place a high priority on ensuring that only those who share and demonstrate our values are recruited to work for us.

Oxfam is an international confederation of 19 organizations networked together in 97 countries. As part of a global movement for change, we are working together to end world poverty and injustice. We work with thousands of partners in countries around the world and employ staff in a wide variety of posts. We work directly with communities, and we work with the powerful to enable the most marginalized to improve their lives and livelihoods and have a say in decisions that affect them.

Program Background

The Extractives Industrial (EI) investment in Cambodia have been growing rapidly. The Cambodia Ministry of Mine and Energy (MME) opens more for local and oversea companies to invest in the sector. Up to first quarter of 2022, 34 mineral exploration licenses, 21 Exploitation licenses and 478 construction mineral licenses were issued. Government have mobilized more investment and granted at least 4 companies to exploiting gold mine in the provinces of Preah Vihea, Kratie and Mondulkiri. One of gold mining companies exploited in Mondukiri province has up to now produced 5,300kg of gold, provided more than 8 million USD of royalty and 6.5 million of tax revenue, according to official of general department of state property and non-tax revenue of Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF).

Given the increased revenues from extractive resources, Cambodia government seems to give more priority to explore and exploit extractive industries resources, especially in the North-Eastern provinces of Cambodia where indigenous peoples are residential. Based on the revenue collection strategy 2019 -2023, as it is indicated that mining and energy revenue collection increased in an average 41.1% annually started from 2013. Ministry of Mine and Energy (MME) has currently collected nearly 11 million US$ of mining fund for local affected community development with limited fund has been spent for benefit affected communities. Thus, mining revenue transparency is critical for civil society, coalitions and communities to actively participate and monitor to ensure government’s accountability and faire sharing of this revenue for the benefits of Cambodian people and country development.

Oxfam and NGO Coalition have played an important role to organize Extractive Industry Governance Forum (EIGF), a multi-stakeholder dialogue platforms that helps to improve communication, policy dialogues and social accountability of the sector as well as enhance the roles of CSOs in improving good governance of the sector.

However, EI sector still faces significant challenges to improve regulatory frameworks that uphold international standards related to Environment-Social and Governance. The Ministry of Mines and Energy opens for Oxfam and CSO to propose policy recommendations for Government consideration.

In this regard, Oxfam in Cambodia is seeking to recruit an experienced consultant to conduct the policy GAP analysis in Mining Industry sector in Cambodia to understand policy gap of EI sector in Cambodia, document leading practices in responsible mining from other countries, and provide policy recommendations to CSOs and relevant ministries of government to promote responsible mining in Cambodia.

Consultancy Objective

  1. To conduct GAP analysis on the most relevant policies and regulations on mining industry in Cambodia to inform policy practice.
  2. To compile case studies of leading practice of responsible mining in the region and other countries globally.
  3. To provide concrete policy recommendations to CSOs and relevant government ministries how to work together to promote good governance and responsible mining in Cambodia. The proposed policy recommendations should be framed around Ethics and Governance, Finance and Contract, Labor Rights, FPIC and Community Rights, Gender and Women Rights, Environmental and Ecosystem Protection.
  4. To develop policy brief (influencing message) for NGO Coalition to raise public awareness and communicate with relevant policy practitioners and regulators.

Scope of work:

  1. Consult with NGO Coalition on EI Governance core group to seek suggestions and feedback on the aspects of EI that the consultant to additionally pay attention to and recommended key informant interviewees.
  2. Conduct literacy review of policies, law, strategies and regulations related Extractive Industry in Cambodia by analysing strengths and weaknesses.
  3. Desk review to document the leading practices of responsible mining and how Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) have been enforced from other countries.
  4. Conduct Key Informant Interviews (KII) with relevant Environmental and Mining Regulators, CSOs, Mining Companies, and Cambodia Association of Mining and Exploration Companies (CAMEC) to understand different perspectives and common interest on mining industry in Cambodia.
  5. Facilitate Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with affected communities to understand their needs and priorities and how they envision mining investment in Cambodia.
  6. Analyse all collected sources of data and propose policy recommendations that should be framed around Ethics and Governance, Finance and Contract, Labor Rights, FPIC and Community Rights, Gender and Women Rights, Environmental and Ecosystem Protection, and other aspects as advised by NGO Coalition core group.
  7. Produce a comprehensive report of the assignment with a maximum of 25 pages, font (Arial), Font size (11), Line Spacing (Single), Line (Auto). The content of the report shall be discussed with NGO Coalition core group.

Key Deliverables:

  1. Inception report with proposed detail methodologies and framework or the Policy Gaps Analysis to meet all aspects of this TOR, in line with the proposal received.
  2. Full draft report for debriefing meeting which includes the policy recommendation section.
  3. Final Full Policy GAP Analysis Report with two case studies and proposed policy recommendations.
  4. Two pages of policy brief in infographic design.

Job Requirements (Key Qualifications, Skills and Capabilities)

  1. Demonstrated concrete experienced in consultancy and in producing high-quality policy analysis report and policy recommendations.
  2. Have strong connection, trustful relationship and effective engagement with mine and environmental regulators in Cambodia.
  3. Proven experience working in natural resources governance and or extractive industry in Cambodia and or other countries.
  4. Demonstrated strong working experiences in good governance, responsible investment and policy influencing.
  5. Demonstrable ability to effectively communicate and receive valuable inputs from relevant stakeholders.
  6. Excellent writing and verbal communication skills both in English and Khmer and ability to write concise, readable and policy recommendation document.

Proposed timeframe and payment schedule:

Key Task (scope of work)



  • Contract signed

March 7-10, 2023


  • Initial desk review conducted.
  • Submitted inception report with proposed framework and methodologies of the assignment.
  • Presented the proposed framework to NGO Coalition core group

March 13 -17, 2023


  • In depth desk review with draft policy analysis on strengths and areas of improvement.
  • Conduct KII and FGD with relevant stakeholders.
  • Draft report with proposed policy recommendation with annex of two case studies.
  • Presented and communicated draft key findings and policy brief to NGO Coalition core group and get feedbacks.

March 27 -30, 2023


  • Finalized and submitted Policy GAP Analysis report to Oxfam.
  • Finalized and submitted policy brief to Oxfam.

April 7, 2023


Key Attributes:

  • Ability to demonstrate sensitivity to cultural differences and gender issues, as well as the commitment to equal opportunities.
  • Ability to demonstrate an openness and willingness to learn about the application of gender/gender mainstreaming, women’s rights, and diversity for all aspects of development work.
  • Commitment to Oxfam’s safeguarding policies to ensure all people who come into contact with Oxfam are as safe as possible.

Organisational Values:

  • Accountability – Our purpose-driven, results-focused approach means we take responsibility for our actions and hold ourselves accountable. We believe that others should also be held accountable for their actions.
  • Empowerment – Our approach means that everyone involved with Oxfam, from our staff and supporters to people living in poverty, should feel they can make change happen.
  • Inclusiveness – We are open to everyone and embrace diversity. We believe everyone has a contribution to make, regardless of visible and invisible differences.


How to apply

The applicant is expected to submit:

  • Detailed proposal describing the previous work done in similar assignment and proposed framework of the assignment.
  • CVs of the relevant individual consultant with proven experiences and expertise to carry out the assignment.
  • Estimated budget for this assignment accompanied with a cost breakdown (the consultancy fee should be mentioned in net fee in US Dollars. Oxfam will be responsible to pay 15% withholding tax for resident taxpayer or 14% withholding tax for non-resident taxpayer). (If it is a Cambodia-based consulting firm with VAT certificate, then net fee + VAT but not withholding tax.)

Applying through the recruitment website:  https://career2.successfactors.eu/career?company=OxfamNovibP  
March 07, 2023, at 23:59 ICT.

Moreinfo: click here

Please mention "www.Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply!



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Cambodia Jobs: Position: Consultancy to Conduct Policy Gap Analysis in Mine Industry in Cambodia (Oxfam)__Deadline:07Mar
Position: Consultancy to Conduct Policy Gap Analysis in Mine Industry in Cambodia (Oxfam)__Deadline:07Mar
Cambodia Jobs
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