International Training on Intellectual Property for Least Developed Countries

International Training on 
Intellectual Property for Least Developed Countries
November 15 – December 4, 2020 in Stockholm, Sweden (or a virtual setting)
Regional follow-up, June 13 –   18, 202

This International Training Programme is specially designed for persons qualified to par-ticipate in reform processes of  importance on different levels and exercising a position in their home organization with a mandate to introduce change in social, economic, cultural and scientific institutions utilizing Intellectual Property as a tool for development. As a participant of  the Training Programme, you will actively involve yourself  to take part in developments related to Intellectual Property for building the national knowledge base and encouraging invention, innovation and creativity. The methodology used in the Training Programme is based on the assumption that your organization wishes to carry out changes and is willing to invest its own resources to achieve these changes. 

The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) offers, as part of  its bilateral development assistance, Advanced International Training Programmes of  strategic importance to the social and economic development in the participants’ coun-tries. This Training Program is conducted and administered jointly by experts, academics and institutions such as the Swedish Intellectual Property Office (PRV) and international Organizations such as the World Intellectual Property Organizations (WIPO) with Sida as the main financier of  the Training Programme.In the short and medium term, the Training Programme will focus on building the requisite skills which will be used for the long-term interests of  the LDCs to build and strengthen technical capacity and institutions of  change. In doing so, gender balanced participation in the Training Programme is given the highest importance.

The importance of  using Intellectual Property rights as a tool to achieve development objectives has increased considerably in recent years and this issue has gained extensive focus particularly in the context of  the implementation of  considerations related to inter-national Intellectual Property agreements including the TRIPS Agreement. In addition, the use of  Intellectual Property for economic growth and development is now a reality with a number of  success stories and lessons to be harnessed by other countries. While the issue is important, it is also complex and the repercussions of  various solutions are not easy to grasp. Considerable knowledge and experience is therefore necessary in order to fully understand and successfully participate in the international negotiations where the outcome may affect national development considerations. For many Least Developed Countries this poses considerable challenges. 

The main objectives and rationale of  the Programme are the following.
  • To increase the familiarity with the foundational concepts and the different categories of  Intellectual Property for the achievement of  national development objectives including the strengthening of  IP institutions and systems in LDCs.
  • To inform about and discuss a number of  specific issues, related to development, in the area of  Intellectual Property, for example the impact of  IP to enable solutions of  the Covid-19 pandemic, digitalization, the economic impact of  the utiliza-tion of  trademarks and geographical indications in facilitating growth and competitiveness in product areas of  strategic importance for LDCs and the benefits of  flourishing creative industries for employment creation.
  • To discuss and provide examples of  various aspects of  inter-national negotiations in the field of  Intellectual Property to strengthen capacity and multilateral cooperation.
  • To assess the Intellectual Property situation in the participat-ing countries and identify national areas for change based on knowledge and experiences acquired from the Training Programme, as well as discussions among participants on the  experiences gained from the implementation of  the country projects.
The training in Stockholm or in a virtual setting will be focused on a number of  special themes in the area of  Intellectual Prop-erty, including the following:
  • General aspects of  Intellectual Property including legal, in-stitutional and management aspects, and its relevance in the context of  economic growth and development.
  • The role of  multilateral and regional institutions in Intellec-tual Property law formulation, implementation and admin-istration.
  • The role of  Intellectual Property in key national public pol-icy issues such as agriculture, education, and health and the discussion of  implementation issues in the national context.
  • Emerging issues in Intellectual Property including those relat-ed to biodiversity, environmental protection, and implications of  a dynamic and fast paced technological landscape.
  • The international trading system, espe cially the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of  Intellectual Property Law (The TRIPS Agreement).
  • The importance of  patents as a resource of  technical and scientific information for technological capacity building and their role in promoting innovation and invention.
  • The role of  trademarks, industrial designs, and geographical indications in contributing to economic growth and increas-ing competitiveness.
  • The role of  copyright and related rights in cultural and socio-economic development. 
  • Intellectual Property and Gender.
  • Intellectual Property Law and its enforcement.
  • The Intellectual Property system in Sweden as an illustrative example, with study visits to enable participants to witness first hand and garner practical lessons from Swedish organ-izations and institutions of  invention, innovation, creativity and technological capacity building
The Swedish Intellectual Property Office in Stockholm and a regional follow-up. Participants should be aware that the programme may be moved to a virtual setting due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

November 15 – December 4, 2020 in Stockholm, Sweden (or a virtual setting)Regional follow-up, June 13 –   18, 2021

Participants should be aware that the programme may be moved to a virtual setting due to the Covid-19 pandemic.The programme will be created to meet the same objec-tive as a physical meeting. Eg. to allow for opportunities to interact, community building and sharing of ideas.

The following countries are invited to nominate candidates: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Laos, Malawi, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.

Only candidates nominated by the appropriate organization and in accordance with national rules will be considered.

TARGET REGIONLeast Developed Countries in Africa, Asia

The Training Programme is specially designed for senior officials and policy makers from relevant government entities, business and industries, universities and academic institutions, research and development organizations who are involved in issues concerning Intellectual Property at the national level. The number of  participants is limited to 27 in order to ensure a close working relationship between participants, lecturers and mentors. Emphasis will be made on the selection of  senior officials with experience in areas of  transfer of  technology and technological capacity building in order to promote coopera-tion between institutions of  higher learning, research institu-tions, industries, and business to initiate project-based activities on invention and innovation.

The participants accepted to the Training Programme shall be obliged to participate in all phases of  the programme. Substi-tutes will not be accepted for any phase. Management approval for all participation and project work is mandatory and is to be confirmed in the application. The participant should have some proficiency in the use of  computers (word processing) and access to computers with Internet connection in the home country (for e-mail communications and to be able to use Zoom, Dropbox and WhatsApp). The WIPO general course on Intellectual Property (DL101) or equivalent knowledge is recommended but not a prerequisite. The participant’s pro-fessional role in his/her home country is more important than formal qualifications.When applying to the Programme candidates will be asked to prepare a short description of  the chosen Project For Change.

English will be the language of  instruction for the Training Programme. Candidates from countries where English is not an official language should do a language test with an official body in the home country, unless other documentation to support for her/his ability can be provided. Proficiency in English shall be certified on the Application form.

Considering the Training Programme consists of  international travels and work away from home in a new environment, good health and full working capacity is conditioned. It is therefore recommended that candidates undergo a medical examination before filling in the Medical Statement in the Application form.

The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) will cover all costs related to all programme phases ex-cept personal expenses, visa fees or any local airport taxes and departure fees.




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Cambodia Jobs: International Training on Intellectual Property for Least Developed Countries
International Training on Intellectual Property for Least Developed Countries
Cambodia Jobs
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