The Super Happiness Challenge is one of the first initiatives of Project HeHa - a worldwide movement to help people achieve super happiness, and co-create a happier world.
Although we see technology
continually advancing and our quality of life steadily improving, our
collective level of happiness has not kept up with its potential growth.
This unmet need for happiness is what we are actively trying to
At Project HeHa (Super Happiness comes from a Chinese word “爽” shuÇŽng
meaning a state of deep and fundamental happiness ), we believe that
people have an innate need to be happy and to share that happiness with
To enable and empower people to
lead happier lives, we’re building a community where people can foster,
incubate and implement ideas and habits that make the world a happier
Who Should Enter?
The challenge offers two tracks for submission. One for entrepreneurs with an existing business, and another for individuals who have an idea of a solution that promotes happiness.
The challenge offers two tracks for submission. One for entrepreneurs with an existing business, and another for individuals who have an idea of a solution that promotes happiness.
Idea Track
For individuals to submit an innovative and creative solution that promotes happiness. It must be a realistic and executable idea which can, but is not required to be, grounded in technology.
Startup Track
For existing businesses or entrepreneurs with business ideas that are innovative, scalable, and promote happiness.
Submissions can be hardware and software solutions, products, services, inventions, business model innovations, and strategic partnerships, and leverage ideas from any industries that align with our happiness goals.
For individuals to submit an innovative and creative solution that promotes happiness. It must be a realistic and executable idea which can, but is not required to be, grounded in technology.
Startup Track
For existing businesses or entrepreneurs with business ideas that are innovative, scalable, and promote happiness.
Submissions can be hardware and software solutions, products, services, inventions, business model innovations, and strategic partnerships, and leverage ideas from any industries that align with our happiness goals.