Southern Africa Network for Biosciences
BioFISA II Programme Seed Projects
Call for Innovative Technologies
This is a two-phased call for funding of innovative technologies as
part of the Seed Grant. In this call, only an Expression of Interest is
submitted for evaluation. Thereafter, the selected applicants will be
invited for training to refine their applications before submitting a
full application. Seed Grants will assist innovators to advance
technologies along the innovation value chain from proof of concept to
technology demonstration.
NEPAD SANBio/BioFISA II Programme invites innovators from the 12
SADC countries) to submit an applications for grants to support
innovative technologies in nutrition challenges faced by the region
under this Seed Grant call. Seed projects have the following general guidelines:
- Projects proposed should have at least proof of concept in place - this is a minimum requirement;
- The projects must ensure the involvement of at least two countries in any of the countries that SANBio operates in;
- The funding principle for projects will be as follows: 60% of
the funding will come from BioFISA II and 20% cash and 20% costed
in-kind contribution from the project implementation partner.
Applications for the Seed Project Grants should be innovations in the
nutrition thematic areas and in line with the following focus areas:
- Alternative sources of protein;
- Post-Harvest Technologies - Novel food processing and preservation technologies that maintain the nutritional value of products;
- Nutraceutical products from indigenous plants;
- Food Safety tools, e.g. detection tools for aflatoxins.
The duration for Seed projects shall not exceed 18 months.
Up to Rand 1 million can be provided by the SANBio/BioFISA II programme per project.