OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Incorporated and OCLC Research,
in collaboration with the Association for Library and Information
Science Education (ALISE), announce the Library and Information Science
Research Grant Program (LISRGP) for 2017 and invite research proposals.
Program description
In recognition of the importance of research to the advancement of
librarianship and information science, OCLC and ALISE promote
independent research that helps integrate new technologies that offer
innovative approaches and contributes to a better understanding of the
information environment and user expectations and behaviors.
Research related (but not limited) to the following areas is encouraged:
- The major OCLC Research themes listed at: http://www.oclc.org/research/activities.html
- Impact of digital technology on libraries, museums, and archives
- Social media, learning, and information-seeking behavior
- New developments in knowledge organization (metadata, social tagging, linked data, etc.)
Full-time academic faculty in schools of library and information
science or related fields are eligible to apply. OCLC and ALISE
encourage international proposals and collaborative projects under this
program. To aid new researchers, priority will be given when possible to
proposals from junior faculty and applicants who have not previously
received LISRGP funds. Proposals must be signed by the principal
investigator, by the dean/director (or equivalent) of the school, and by
an authorized official of the university.
Project funding
The LISRGP provides grant awards of up to $25,000 for a one-year research project. Monies can be applied to the following costs:
- Release time from teaching for the principal investigator
- Research assistants
- Stipends
- Project-related travel
- Required attendance and presentation of research results at the 2018 ALISE Conference
- Equipment, if integral to the research
- Other research expenses