Training on
Use your HEAD to manage,HEART to Lead,HAND to get RESULT
The Art of Sales Management Success
The Art of Sales Management Success
30 April 2016
Dear Manager or Director,
STOP managing START leading.
If your sales team is not performing,is it their fault or SALES MANAGER?STOP managing START leading.
Are you struggling with the effectiveness of sales front line staff?
Is your sales management experiencing difficulty developing the leadership effectiveness of your field sales force?
If yes,Sales Champions training can help you. Let's meet together and drink a cup of coffee to discuss more details.
Training Course: The art of sales management success
Training Date: 30 APRIL 2016
Time: 8:00am - 5:30pm
Fee: US$ 199/Person. Early Bird: US$ 149 (Register before April 25). Register 5 Get 1Pax Free
Free: Lunch, Snacks( 2 times), Work book and Certificate.
Registration and Information
Sales Champions
#22, Str.217 (Monireth), Meanchey, Phnom Penh
Phone: 012 730 333
Online register at