The International Federation of Arts Councils and Cultural Agencies
(IFACCA) and the Arts Council Malta (ACM) are pleased to invite arts
professionals, academics, producers, administrators, creators and arts
workers to submit proposals for presentation at the 7th World Summit on
Arts and Culture to be held in Valletta Malta 18-21 October 2016.
Theme: At the crossroads? Cultural Leadership in the 21st Century
focus of the 2016 World Summit on Arts and Culture, will be on Cultural
Leadership in the 21st Century. The arts and culture can be considered
to be at a crossroads – faced with many challenges and opportunities at
the global, national and local level such as: the impact of new
technologies on the production and distribution of cultural goods and
services; threats to global security; new patterns of migration;
changing contexts at the national level including austerity measures and
continuous requests for reform; aspirations from artists and culture
operators to extend their impact and outreach to other sectors, while
also struggling to guarantee freedom of expression and ensure cultural
The Selection process will be made by the
Summit Programme Director, Nina Obuljen, in consultation with the Summit
hosts, the ACM and IFACCA.
We are seeking your
suggestions of keynote speakers, panellists or presenters of case
studies who can successfully address the Summit’s theme.
Theme: At the crossroads? Cultural Leadership in the 21st Century
The focus of the 2016 World Summit on Arts and Culture, will be on Cultural Leadership in the 21st Century. The arts and culture can be considered to be at a crossroads – faced with many challenges and opportunities at the global, national and local level such as: the impact of new technologies on the production and distribution of cultural goods and services; threats to global security; new patterns of migration; changing contexts at the national level including austerity measures and continuous requests for reform; aspirations from artists and culture operators to extend their impact and outreach to other sectors, while also struggling to guarantee freedom of expression and ensure cultural diversity.
Cultural leadership which understands and takes into account the changing realities of today’s world becomes fundamental for ensuring that the arts and culture are seen as pillars of social development in the 21st century. Traditionally, the concept of leadership was associated with the top-down approach. Today, leaders can no longer be identified solely based on their positions in governmental or governance structures, but rather on their ability to articulate a vision and bring about change. It is crucial to affirm also the role of artists, leaders of cultural organisations, networks, advocacy groups and professional organisations, whether they are at the local or international level, to maximise the range of stakeholders involved in actively debating and proposing solutions for the contemporary challenges of the arts and culture sector.
Today’s communication channels and social media in particular create the environment where leaders can reach their colleagues, peer networks and professional organizations, audiences, decision-makers and general public far easier than ever before and at unprecedented speed. In a time where the idea of participatory governance is fostered and promoted, no decision can be taken without the involvement of a variety of stakeholders.
Aimed at reflecting on the changing perception and role of leadership at different levels, the programme of the World Summit will be organized around three thematic clusters:
The focus of the 2016 World Summit on Arts and Culture, will be on Cultural Leadership in the 21st Century. The arts and culture can be considered to be at a crossroads – faced with many challenges and opportunities at the global, national and local level such as: the impact of new technologies on the production and distribution of cultural goods and services; threats to global security; new patterns of migration; changing contexts at the national level including austerity measures and continuous requests for reform; aspirations from artists and culture operators to extend their impact and outreach to other sectors, while also struggling to guarantee freedom of expression and ensure cultural diversity.
Cultural leadership which understands and takes into account the changing realities of today’s world becomes fundamental for ensuring that the arts and culture are seen as pillars of social development in the 21st century. Traditionally, the concept of leadership was associated with the top-down approach. Today, leaders can no longer be identified solely based on their positions in governmental or governance structures, but rather on their ability to articulate a vision and bring about change. It is crucial to affirm also the role of artists, leaders of cultural organisations, networks, advocacy groups and professional organisations, whether they are at the local or international level, to maximise the range of stakeholders involved in actively debating and proposing solutions for the contemporary challenges of the arts and culture sector.
Today’s communication channels and social media in particular create the environment where leaders can reach their colleagues, peer networks and professional organizations, audiences, decision-makers and general public far easier than ever before and at unprecedented speed. In a time where the idea of participatory governance is fostered and promoted, no decision can be taken without the involvement of a variety of stakeholders.
Aimed at reflecting on the changing perception and role of leadership at different levels, the programme of the World Summit will be organized around three thematic clusters:
- Global developments: what impact do they have on reforms of the governance of culture in the 21st century
- National arts and cultural policies: how do they promote vision, innovation and leadership
- Bottom-up approaches and trends: how can leadership at the local and personal level have greatest effect
The debates during the 2016 Summit will focus on number of
questions: Who are the key players? How are decisions being made? Who
provides leadership for development opportunities? What does the concept
of leadership represent for different cultures and how do we address
the needs and expectations of future generations? How do we articulate
priorities and who is responsible for innovative solutions and changes?
How do governments and civil society share responsibilities and
The 2016 Summit will be held in Malta – a country situated in the heart of the Mediterranean, always found at the crossroads, where cultures have been meeting and interacting throughout history. We can’t think of a better place to host this unique international event and to stimulate our discussions.
The 2016 Summit will be held in Malta – a country situated in the heart of the Mediterranean, always found at the crossroads, where cultures have been meeting and interacting throughout history. We can’t think of a better place to host this unique international event and to stimulate our discussions.
Proposals for presentations must address some aspect of the theme and relate to one of the following three approaches:
1. Role of government and public policies
1. Role of government and public policies
2. Case studies and models
3. Research, reflections and/or comparative analysis
We invite you to nominate yourself or someone else. Please provide as many details as possible.
- Closing date for submission 5 February 2016
- Announcement of selected submissions: June 2016
The Selection process will be made by the Summit Programme
Director, Nina Obuljen, in consultation with the Summit hosts, Arts
Council Malta and IFACCA.
Selected papers cannot be longer than 20 minutes.
For further information, please contact: