Since its establishment, the United Nations has been seeking to
eliminate all weapons of mass destruction, especially the deadliest and
most indiscriminate – nuclear weapons. Nearly 70 years ago, the UN
General Assembly’s first resolution, adopted on 24 January 1946,
established the goal of eliminating all nuclear weapons and other
weapons “adaptable to mass destruction”.
Nuclear weapons remain an apocalyptic threat. The
Secretary-General of the United Nations continues to use every
opportunity to raise global awareness as to the dangers and true costs
of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction.
Many believe that the humanitarian consequences from the use of nuclear weapons is reason enough to abolish them.
In recognition of the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the
first resolution of the UN General Assembly, the United Nations Office
for Disarmament Affairs has launched a UN Poster for Peace Contest. The
contest aims to raise awareness on the need for nuclear disarmament, to
promote the work of the United Nations and its disarmament efforts, and
to inspire citizens across the globe to add their voices, and use their
artistic talents, in working for a world free of nuclear weapons.
The UN Poster for Peace Contest is sponsored by the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs.
Contest Period
The contest begins on 24 October 2015 and ends on 24 January 2016.
Poster File Size and File Type
- Maximum file size: 10 MB.
- File type: JPEG, PNG or PDF.
Who Can Enter
Anyone of any age can enter this contest, and it is open to all
people in all countries. Children below the age of 13 will need to have
their parents’ permission, and will need to have parents (or a legal
guardian) help with their submissions.
- Art work must be original, submitted by the artist. It should be developed such that it could be displayed in a 60 by 90 centimetres (2 feet x 3 feet) format.
- Entries must be two dimensional using either traditional methods (pens, pencils, crayons, charcoal, oil paint, acrylic paint, watercolour, etc.) or modern digital illustration process.
- As all art work must be fully original, no entries will be accepted or considered if they are deemed to use in whole or part derivative images which could be considered plagiaristic.
- Entries should be uploaded to
All entries will be judged using the same criteria: creativity,
composition, theme and technique. The winners will be announced on 5
March 2016.
Contest Prizes
- There will be three winners.
- First prize will be USD 3,000
- Second will be USD 2,000
- Third will be USD 1,000
Those making submissions agree that the UN retains all
copyrights of the materials submitted. Files uploaded to the contest
website should be solely images of the artwork and not contain
photographic images of the contestant nor other individuals.
The UN shall not be responsible for any loss or damage that may
occur by entering this contest and the UN reserves the right to make
changes to the rules of the contest without prior notification.