The TK Royal One (Condo and Office) was open for Sale on Tuesday 24th March 2015 on Russian Blvd, in front of the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP). The TK Royal One (Condo and Office) is under the Exclusive Sale Agreement of Khmer Real Estate Co., Ltd. The Khmer Real Estate Co., Ltd is looking for 2 Female Sale Staffs for this project with the qualification as following:
- Excellent Communication in Chinese and English
- No Need Work Experience or University Certificate
- Smart and Creative People are encouraged to apply
- The Successful Candidate will get attract payment package and more benefit!
The Office Language for the Project can be Khmer, Chinese and English!
Walk In interview is available in working hour, please contact 012 96 2000 (Mr. Kim) for detail information and send CV to
Deadline: 31 April 2015
Head Office: #736, Kampuchea Krom Blvd (Street 128), Phnom Penh Capital, Kingdom of Cambodia. Cell: 012 96 2000 & 016 96 2000. Email:
Please mention "Cambodiajobs.Biz" where you saw the ad when you apply!