In 2012, PEP was granted funding by the Department for International Development (DFID) of the United Kingdom (or UK Aid) and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) of Canada to lead a new research initiative entitled “Policy Analysis on Growth and Employment” (PAGE) in developing countries.
Find out more about the PAGE program here - including the list of projects selected/supported under the previous (2012) PAGE funding round. You may also download the PAGE-2 CFP flyer, for circulation in your network(s).
To build and promote research capacities in developing countries
accordance with PEP’s core mission, this initiative includes an
important “capacity building” component, and targets teams of
researchers* based in developing countries. Selected teams will benefit
from the unique and manifold “PEP support program” in the conduct of high quality research projects.
Team composition:
Applicant teams are generally composed of at least one senior researcher, leading several junior researchers, and must:
- be gender-balanced (at least 50% female researchers)
- be comprised exclusively of individuals born and living in a developing country. Priority is given to low income countries (LICs), fragile and/or conflict states, but proposals are welcome from all developing countries
- present sufficient academic and/or professional background in economics research/policy analysis
For the analysis of specific and country-relevant policy issues
You may download this document to have a complete overview of the PAGE program's research themes and objectives in terms of development policy analysis.
However, for each PAGE call for proposals, a different list of specific priority issues - yet always under the broad theme of inclusive growth and employment - are identified as especially relevant to address specific knowledge gaps and policy needs in terms of evidence base. These issues are identified by the PAGE policy group - high-level development policy experts from different regions of the world - in collaboration with PEP lead researchers - international experts in the field of development economics.
See below for the list of priority issues for projects to be supported through the second (2013) PAGE funding round:
- Safety net complementarities
- Providing social protection to the informal sector
- Youth employment and entrepreneurship
- Employment intensity of non-agricultural growth
- Discrimination in credit access for female entrepreneurs
- China's growth: challenges and opportunities for developing country labor markets
CLICK HERE to find (download) a detailed description of each of the above-listed priority themes of research.
Who can apply?
- All members of applicant teams must be developing country nationals (and reside in a developing country during the full course of the project), with priority given to teams from LIC countries, fragile and/or conflict states (see list).
- Teams are generally composed of at least one senior researcher leading several junior researchers, of which at least 50% are females.
- University-level training in economics or equivalent experience will generally be required.