Best Practices in the Presentation of
Financial Statements & Annual Reports
30-31 May 2013
Phnom Penh Hotel
A Certified Practicing Accountant and a Certified Insurance Practitioner (Senior Associates) from Australia, Chhor has over 32 years of financial accounting and insurance experiences. These include financial Management reporting, financial and operational audit, review and appraise internal control systems and procedures, tax compliances and planning, general insurance advises and assist clients to comply with various Australian Government Authorities. Chhor is also a Partner/Director of Chhor & Associates. An Accounting firm incorporated in Australia servicing to the general public.
Having been working in the insurance industry for over twenty years, Chhor identifies risks and opportunities and apply the best available approaches beyond the traditional accouting and audit functions. He will strive to accommodate client’s needs and learn about its businesses and the environment that it is in order to efficiently utilize the best suitable resources.
Having been working in the insurance industry for over twenty years, Chhor identifies risks and opportunities and apply the best available approaches beyond the traditional accouting and audit functions. He will strive to accommodate client’s needs and learn about its businesses and the environment that it is in order to efficiently utilize the best suitable resources.
- Active Member of Kampuchea Institute of CPAs and Auditors
- Certified Practising Accountant (CPA)_CPA Australia
- Senior Associate (CIP)_Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF)
- Registered Tax Agent in Australia_The Australian Government’s Tax Practitioner Board
- Member of Institute of Public Accountant (MIPA)_Professional Practice Certificate
- Member of The Institute of Internal Auditors in Australia (MIIA Aust.)_NSW Chapter
Participants will learn to:
- Prepare and present primary financial statements more efficiently
- Present other reports required by statute more efficiently
- Ensure compliance with relevant FRSs.
- Present important component’s in a favorable manner.
- Ensure legal compliance
Interactive lectures, supported by explanations, practical exercise, group discussion, and Q & A session.
- Financial Controllers
- General Mangers
- Corporate Financial Advisors
- Accountants
- Finance Managers
- Account Managers
- Corporate Planners
- Company Secretaries
- Financial Analysts
- Administration Managers
- Member $200
- Staff of Member $220
- Non Member $260
- * Group of 5 10% Discount
For more information, please contact: Ms. Savuth Daly and Ms. Ros Botpheany
Tel: 023 990 644, 016 905 934, 0975 804 925
© Kampuchea Institute Of Certified Public Accountants And Auditor 2012 All Right Reserved.
Kampuchea Institute of Certified Public Accountants And Auditor.
Office: Street 92, Sangkat Wat Phnom, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
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