- Shifting Perceptions of Captive Elephants in the United States
- Animals, Colonialism, and the Atlantic World
- Place, Power and Primates: Human/Animal Relationships in Field Primatology
- The Regulation of Emerging Breeding Technologies in Animal Agriculture: A Comparison between the UK and the USA
- Animal Research in Theory and Practice
- A Dog's Life: Inter-species Identity and Alterity in a Video Game
- Cultural Structures and Tactical Repertoires: The Animal Rights Movements in France and the United States
Amount of Award
Scholars selected to participate in the fellowship program will be awarded a stipend of $3,000 to help cover travel costs, housing, living expenses, books and other research expenses.
Applicants must (1) possess a Ph.D., J.D., or equivalent, or be a doctoral student at the dissertation stage; (2) have a commitment to advancing research in Human-Animal Studies; (3) be actively engaged, during the fellowship program, in a research project that culminates in a journal article, book, or other scholarly presentation, and (4) submit a follow-up report six months after the fellowship’s completion.
Applicants should email electronic copies of the following items to fellowshipapplication@animalsandsociety.org
- Cover sheet with the applicant’s name, mailing address to be used for future correspondence, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address, present rank and institution name, date Ph.D. or J.D. received or expected, citizenship status, title of project, history of fellowships and grants received during the past five years
- Project proposal of up to three pages (single-spaced) that describes the project and indicates work completed on the project to date. As the description will be considered by a panel of scholars from a variety of disciplines, it should be written for non-specialists.
- Curriculum vitae of up to three pages.
In addition, applicants must also send two letters of recommendation to: Committee on Fellowships, Animals and Society Institute, 403 McCauley Street, PO Box 1297, Washington Grove MD 20880. Applicants are responsible for contacting referees and supplying them with a description of the project.
Selection Process
The selection committee will include members from a range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. Applications will be evaluated on the contribution that the completed project will make to Human-Animal studies, the qualifications of the applicant to complete the research, and how well the applicant’s project complements the other projects.
The fellowship program will be directed by Ken Shapiro, executive director of Animals and Society Institute. Please address all correspondence to him at the following address:
Committee on Fellowships: Animals & Society Institute403 McCauley Street Washington Grove MD 20880. ken.shapiro@animalsandsociety.org
More info: http://www.grumpyvegan.com/entry.php?id=385
NGOs Fund