VIBE originated as a BCP program. However, this component has expanded into a highly successful independent volunteer program, which recently became autonomous from the BCP, its parent organization. VIBE and the BCP will continue to assist each other in common education projects for children. VIBE currently works in cooperation with Yayasan IDEP (, a successful environmental foundation which includes a vast number of projects that extend into many realms, including sustainable development, micro-financing programs, and education.
Volunteer and Intern teaching posts in english education and environmental studies are now avaliable with VIBE; a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to providing equal educational opportunities for Balinese adults and children. If you are interested in volunteering, or working with us as an intern, please take time to read through our site. It contains a great deal of information on our aims and principles; the nature of volunteer work in Bali; about the opportunities available and the application procedures you should follow. Volunteer work abroad could in fact be the most amazing experience you ever have, if not a life changing experience. There are many aspects of choosing to volunteer abroad that will separate your experience from that of a tourist or even a paid employee. The advantages of volunteer work are numerous. However, one should thoughtfully consider volunteerism prior to their commitment to an organization. It is crucially important to understand the nature of volunteerism it is not suited to everyone. moere