Training on
Practical Tools for Monitoring and Evaluation of Project/Program
26-27 November 2016
Practical Tools for Monitoring and Evaluation of Project/Program
26-27 November 2016
Monitoring and evaluation are essential to improving project/program efficiency and effectiveness. It is usually required by donor board of director as part of project management cycle. In most cases of the proposal for the grant, investment fund, the M&E should be well defined to ensure great impact of the project/.program It helps organizations/entities to understand to what extent they have achieved what they intended to achieve. The monitoring allows project team to make appropriate decisions on a day-to-day basis and ensures that projects/program are carried out as planned and modified when necessary, while the evaluation enables manager as well as donor and/or board director to understand and demonstrate the results of the project/program team’s work, determine the best strategies for achieving the objectives and document lessons learned to improve future programs.
- This course provides participants with the key elements needed to make their M&E work.
- Learn to develop and implement an M&E frameworks set forth in a project document.
- Learn how to set appropriate indicators at each level of results, develop mock forms to collection data, making an analysis and communicating the results.
- Participant will understand a project as a unique in that it is not a routine operation, but a specific set of operations designed to accomplish a singular goal.
Module 1: How to review Project/Program document
Module 2: Reviewing Project/Program results chain
The different betwenn project and program Reviewing project management cycle Who is involved? why stakeholder is important Typical content of project document/project charter |
Why do we need to understand results chain?
How to verifiy results chain, If-Then concept Results statment in relation to stakeholder Understanding exeternal factors, assumptions and risks |
Module 3: How to develop M&E framework
Module 4: Tasks of M&E data collection
Conceptual of the M&E Framework
Assinging SMART indicators for each level of results How to define target, source of data, methods, frequency How to veryfy M&E framework/plan and implement it |
Tool for monitorin, how to Tool for eveluation, how to Review data collecion methods, pros and cons On-line survey, telephone interview and face-to-face interview, observation technique |
Module 5: Data analysis and reporting
Module 6: Why do we need communicate M&E report?
Steps in data analysis, how to prepare
Quantitive data analysis, how to Qualitative data analysis, make it easy Tipical structure of reporting and procedure Data presentation in M&E report |
Key questions for communication and stakeholder
Communication based on audience assessment Some practical tools for today communication |
TUY Pheap is a holder of M.Sc in Regional and Rural Development Planning from Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Bangkok, Thailand, since 1996. Mr. Pheap has had more than twenty-year experience in implementing development projects in Cambodia, funded by expternal donors including, UNDP, Sida, DfID, DANIDA, WB, EU, and SDC. He has long experience in providing training to participants from grasrood level, villagers, village cheif, commune chief, to higher level, goverment official, civil society leaders, project staffs, university lecturers and company employees on various subject including results-based management (RBM), logical framework approach (LFA), project cycle management (PCM), monitoring and eveluation (M&E), commune planning, data collection, data analysis, report and proposal writing, social accountability. Currently, Mr. Pheap is a freelance cosultance, who his practical experience as technical adviser with varios development projects includes: 1) IP3-NP-SNDD funded by EU, Sida, SDC; 2) RILGP funded by WB; 3) NRML funded by DANIDA and DfID; 4) PSDD funded by UNDP and Sida; 5) PLG and CARERE II funded by UNDP, and others
This practical tools are for any Project/Program Managers/Directors, Supervisor, Evaluator, M&E chief officers who have recently been appointed to manage a project and anyone who is new to the project/program monitoring and evaluation, implementation. This course is essential for those, who facing difficulty to design and implement their M&E framework/plan to support day-to-day decision- making as well as organizational accountabilities and learning for their donor and/or board of director future funding and/or investment.
This practical tools are for any Project/Program Managers/Directors, Supervisor, Evaluator, M&E chief officers who have recently been appointed to manage a project and anyone who is new to the project/program monitoring and evaluation, implementation. This course is essential for those, who facing difficulty to design and implement their M&E framework/plan to support day-to-day decision- making as well as organizational accountabilities and learning for their donor and/or board of director future funding and/or investment.
Date: 26-27 November 2016
Venue: Hotel/Restaurant located in Phnom Penh
Time: 8 am-5 pm
Language: Khmer
Fee: US$ 250 (Exclude any Taxes)
Early Bird: US$ 230 (Register before Nov 18)
Early Bird: US$ 230 (Register before Nov 18)
The Fee includes: Lunch, Refreshment, Materials and Certificate of Participation.
Educational Development Institute (EDI)
#22, St. 51┴154, PhsarThmei III, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh.
Tel: 015 728 123, 071 33 999 38, 017 327 207
Tel: 015 728 123, 071 33 999 38, 017 327 207