GAFSP launched the fourth Call for Proposals from all eligible countries
for funding forstrategic programs to alleviate poverty, improve rural
incomes, and improve food and nutrition security. GAFSP expects to
allocate at least $125 million in total grant funding to the 3-5 highest
ranked proposals
Following the first three Calls for Proposals, the GAFSP Public Sector Window has allocated $1.02 billion in recipient-executed funding to 30 low-income countries in Africa; Central, East, and South Asia; and Latin America. These resources are being used to help finance the strategic programs of these lowincome
countries to alleviate poverty, improve rural incomes, and improve food and nutrition security. GAFSP projects focus on country-led investments in one or more of the GAFSP five key components: raising agricultural productivity, linking farmers to markets, reducing risk and vulnerability, and improving non-farm rural livelihoods, and through technical assistance and institutional support.
While the bulk of the proposals financed to date have focused on projects aimed primarily at raising agricultural productivity, the Steering Committee would like to emphasize that there is no particular preference for any of the five key components. Technically sound proposals that reduce risk and vulnerability and increase the impact of agricultural interventions through emphasis on key components such as nutrition (direct nutrition interventions or nutrition sensitive agricultural ctivities), gender equality (as reflected in Annexes 1 and 2), climate smart agriculture, or public-private partnerships, are fully eligible for GAFSP funding. The Steering Committee looks forward to receiving a broad range of proposals in this Call.
The GAFSP Trust Fund was established in April 2010, following financing commitment by G8 leaders at the L’Aquila Summit in July 2009, and reaffirmed by the G20 Summit in Pittsburgh in September 2009. Current donors to the GAFSP Public Sector Window, in alphabetical order, are Australia, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Canada, Germany, Ireland, the Republic of Korea, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Currently available non-committed resources in the Public Sector Window of GAFSP are approximately US$125 million, likely to be allocated to roughly the 3 to 5 highest ranked proposals. The total amount is tentative and may increase depending on further donor commitments received between now and the time of allocation. There is no guarantee that all deserving proposals will be funded given the limited availability of funds.