Training on
Effective Project Design and Proposal Writing
23-24 April 2016
A proposal writing is a request for financial purpose to implement a project. A proposal requires something that one need to implement a project. A proposal must justify each item or activity, so that a donor agency can decide if it wants to provide some or all of those things. One must know (and be able to communicate) exactly what s/he wants to do with these things, and that is why one should design a project to carry out what s/he wants to achieve. The logical consequence throughout the project proposal is also be maintained.
- Understand the principle of project design and proposal writing
- Conduct needs assessment and analyse stakeholders
- Identify key problems and form a problem tree
- Develop the theory of change and select suitable project intervention
- Discriminate project hierarchy and its definitions
- Form a effective logical framework
- Develop SMART project goal, objectives, outputs and activities
- Plan monitoring and evaluation framework
- Know how to write an effective and useful funding proposal
- Build or maintain relations with donors
Module 01: Introduction to Project Design and Proposal Writing
- What is a project, programme and project management?
- What is project design?
- Differences between proposal writing and project design
- Project design cycle
- Why needs assessment?
- Elements of project settings
- Understanding needs and target groups
- Stakeholder analysis
- Identification of the problem
- Group discussion: Development of problem tree
- Converting problem cards to cause-effect relationships
- Selecting a direct cause for a project
- What is project hypothesis?
- Turning the problems to the theory of change
- Case study
- Elements of the project hierarchy
- Planning framework
- Comparison of logical framework and results framework
- Concept of SMART
- Development of smart goals, objectives, outputs and activities
- Identifying SMART indicators
- Setting targets for indicators
- Case study: putting indicators & targets in a logframe
- What and Why M&E?
- Selecting baseline data for monitoring
- Group Discussion
- Elements of a project proposal
- Requirements of donors and matching the fit
- Tips for successful proposal
- Case study
This practical training course is specifically designed for NGO managers, executives and supervisors, newly appointed/ prospective managers and those who wish to gain the knowledge, understanding and necessary skills to design a new project and writing a proposal effectively and successfully. It is also suitable for employees who are considered to be ready for further development.
Date: 23-24 April 2016
Venue: Hotel/Restaurant located in Phnom Penh
Time: 8 am- 5 pm
Language: Khmer
Fee: US$ 250 (Includes VAT)
Bird: US$ 230 (Register before April 19)
The Fee includes: Lunch, Refreshment, Materials and Certificate.
The Fee includes: Lunch, Refreshment, Materials and Certificate.
Educational Development Institute (EDI)
#22, St. 51â”´154, SangkatPhsarThmei III, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh.
Tel: 023 966 967 / 015 728 123 / 015 729 123 / 012 915 895 / 016 557 123
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Tel: 023 966 967 / 015 728 123 / 015 729 123 / 012 915 895 / 016 557 123
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NGOs Fund