Training on
Practical Project Cycle Management and Development
14-15 November 2015
An effective manager achieves better development results with the people in the community they serve, affecting the well-being of poor people. This course aims to provide participants with the knowledge and to gain an understanding about examines fundamental theories, principles, perspectives, and practices of controlling/managing the Project Cycle Management. This course also aims to helping organizations do the right projects and helping managers do the projects right by taking a holistic approach.
- Participants have ability and skill to develop their existing projects or a new project which is appropriate to the workplace.
- Participants have ability to manage for basic constraints, scope, schedule, budget and quality.
- Participants will learn from practice, experienced practitioners, fellow students and through the analysis of cases, viewing how effective managers help groups realize their potential.
- Become more aware of and question personal, organizational, and community assumptions about how we work as development professionals in light of the need to demonstrate development result in our country.
- Identify opportunities where learnt principles and skills may be applied immediately in practice to work.
- Become better consumers of management tools in order to avoid fads and gimmicks.
1. Introduction to Project Cycle Management
Definition of Project
The challenges of Development project
Overview of Project Cycle for wholistic Empowerment
Project Management Constraint
2. Problem Identification
What is problem identification?
Why Problem identification is important?
How to do it ?
3. Problem Analysis
Root Cause
What is Root Cause Analysis?
Why is Root Cause Analysis Important? How to do it ?
4. Priority the needs
Ten Seeds Techniques and other tools
5. Project Identification
What is Project Identification?
Why is Project Identification step important?
6. Stakeholder Analysis
What is Stakeholder Analysis?
Why is Stakeholder Analysis Important?
Tools to analysis
7. Project Design
What is Project
Why is Project
design important?
provide example:
Show the frame/Table
- Plan
- Develop Action
- Resources
- Times
- Risk Assumption
8. Project
What is Project
Why is Project
Implementation Important?
Effectively of
9. Project
Why is project
Why is project
monitoring important?
Monitoring tools
10. Project
What is
Why is evaluation
How to do?
Thinking about what
makes for a good' Project Monitoring, Review and Evaluation
Differences between
Monitoring, Reviewing and Evaluation
Managers, team Leader, Coordinator, Program officer and University Student.
Managers, team Leader, Coordinator, Program officer and University Student.
Graduated Master Degree in Management and Development, and candidate for Master Degree for Development Studies. 16 years worked experience with NGOs/INGOs as Development Practitioner (7 years as facilitator/coordinator, and 10 Years of Project/Program Managers included Country Director position). 6 years experiences as facilitator/coach, and independent training consultant/freelance.Abroad experiences (Australia, Africa, Philippine, Malaysia , Thailand, United States ), fund raising, proposal development and donor relation.
Date: 14-15 November 2015
Venue: To be confirmed
Time: 8:00-12:00am, 2:00-5:00 pm
Language: Khmer
Fee: US$ 125 (Early Bird: US$ 110 if register before Nov 14)
Language: Khmer
Fee: US$ 125 (Early Bird: US$ 110 if register before Nov 14)
The Fee
includes: Lunch, Refreshment, Materials and Certificate.
#54 N, Street 595 Beong Kok II, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Mobile phone: 078 717 595 / 012 44 64 73
Email: or