HEDC international will conduct a special course on
Community Awareness and Development
Community Awareness and Development
Capacity is the power to perceive information that will resolve conflict in such
a way as to enable growth, self-regulation and expansion to take place.
a way as to enable growth, self-regulation and expansion to take place.
2 to 4 November 2015
To enable participants to empower the community to effectively solve problems and prepare their development plans.
Practical Outcomes
At the end of the training, participants will have confidence, commitment and clear understanding of the principle and practice of community facilitation and development, in particular the ability to:
- Understand the principle of People empowerment and sustainable development
- Assist and facilitate participatory problem solving and decision making process
- Choose and use appropriate facilitation tools for Conflict Resolution, problem solving, decision making and preparing proposal
- Assist and facilitate the community to develop their development and work plans
- Plan for their work in assisting project and program implementation.
NGO Director, NGOs staff and all who are working directly with the community
Course contents
Part 1. Principle of Sustainable Community Development
- The Law of Universal Governance and Sustainable Development
- Principle #1 - Continuous Change
- Principle #2 – Diversity and Differentiation
- Principle #3 – Communion
- Principle #4 – Self-Regulation
- Principle #5 – Expansion
- People Awareness and Empowerment
- Challenges in Participatory Process
- Effective Facilitation Skills
- Facilitation Tools for participatory Development
- Group activity in Developing an Agreement
- Group activity in Generating Ideas
- Group activity in Making prioritizing and Decision Making
- Group Activity in Problem Solving
- Group activity in developing a Community Plan including:
- Risk Identification and Mitigation (simple, effective and fun)
- Identifying Resources and Financial Needs (simple, effective and fun)
- Proposal Making
Part 5. Managing Community Development Project
- Preparing Project Work plan (by Implementers)
- Participatory Monitoring and Learning (by community)
- Monitoring and Coaching (by implementers)
- Project Evaluation
- Progress Reporting
English with professional KHMER translation
2 to 4 November 2015 from 8:00 AM to 4:30PM
CJCC (RUPP Campus at Russian Federation Blvd, Phnom Penh
US$ 180 per person including handout and certificate
To ensure your seat please hurry up register before 28 October 2015 |
Booking & Registration Online: https://goo.gl/IS5qL3
international office:
Ms. Huong Sok En Tel: 011 878 737 Email: soken@hedc-international.com2FB1, 2nd Floor, Parkway Building #133, Mao Tse Tong, Blvd, Phnom Penh Ms. Then Lyna Tel: 077 811147 Email: hedccambodia@hedc-international.com Mr. Theang Tola Tel: 017 318 527 Mr. Meas Sophea Tel: 087 974 191 |
02-04 Nov
HEDC international
07-08 & 14-15
HEDC international
10-13 Nov
HEDC international
NGOs Fund