Effective Recruitment and Keeping the Best Employee
Date: 15-16 August 2015 Venue: Intercontinental Hotel /TonlebasacII
Time: 8:00am-17:00pm Language: Khmer/English
The importance of HR Management has increased with the unavoidable need for globalization. The rapid increase in globalization of business has increased a fiercely competitive environment where the only effective way to remain in competition is to develop and improve the workforce. Organizational flexibility is vital for survival in these competitive markets and through the rapidly changing consumer trends. As a result, there is a greater need for recruiting and keeping the best skilled employee with multiple competencies than in the past.
To set the right function of Human Resources Management in 21st Century
External and internal recruitment & selection strategy
How to attract and keep the best people
How to motivate and energize the employee
Course Contents
Session 1: Introduction to Human Resources Function in 21st Century
- Old Function of HR Management
- HR Management Function in 21st century
- Review HRM Function in organizational structure
- Labor Market
- Process of HR Planning
- The Link of business strategy and HR planning
- Job Analysis, Job Specification, and Job Description
- Why should we have Operating Manual and Procedure?
- Template of Recruitment and Selection Operating Manual and Procedure
- What is the difference between Operating Manual and Procedure
- Effective job announcement
- Where should we announce it?
- Who involve in the selection process
- Develop selection criteria
- Selection testing
- Selection interviewing
- Job orientation
- Effective employee promotion
- Employee inventory
- Managing complex change
- Employee recognition and motivation and how to energize them
- Some principles to change people without giving offence or arousing resentment
- Some tips on conflict management and problem solving
Mr. Nguon Bonnit, MBA in the field of Management from Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia (PUC). He is currently the Chairman and Managing Director of AMiTY MOHANOKOR Co., Ltd., the Chairman of DotDistribute Trading Co., Ltd, and the President of POLROT Finance. He had more than 10 year experience with ACLEDA Bank Plc. in the field of HR Management. He also attended many training programs on staff management, effective performance management, leadership, communication, human resource management, self-development, etc.
Training Methodology
The training methodology will be focused on Experience Based and Participatory Approaches include: lecture, student-centered including brainstorming, role play, small group discussion with plenary presentation, plenary discussion, group work, team involvement in decision making, participants’ problems raised during the workshop for discussion, communication game and any other contributions will be held in high respect.
Who should attend the course?
This course is designed to build capacity of Human Resources Management for Business Leader, HR manager, HR officer and Assistant, Personnel manager, office staff, and the ones who involve in human resources affaire for all companies, FMIs, and NGOs.
What will be included with the training course?
- Group photo of participants
- Training materials
- Certificates are awarded by LIFE
- Two lunches and four refreshment
More information
Tel: 069 5555 66 / 069 5555 28 / 011 777 355
Add: #921, St 371, Boeng TumPun, Mean cheay, Phnom Penh
Email: lifesuccess.asia@gmail.com /info@lifesuccess.asia
Website: www.lifesuccess.asia
NGOs Fund