Compensation, Benefits, and Payroll Management
Date: 08-09 August 2015 Venue: Intercontinental Hotel /TonlebasacII
Time: 8:00am-17:00pm Language: Khmer/English
Why should you attend this training?
- You need to sharpen on employee compensation and benefits administration and frameworks?
- You need to develop the employee remuneration strategies for effectively implementation and the best practice?
- You need to follow employee pay policy & criteria and benefits based on Cambodian and international context?
- You need to smoothly manage compensation and benefit policies, procedures, and guidelines with the best practice and implementation?
- You need to set up salary structure and grades and pay administration for employee satisfaction and motivation?
- You need to manage employee payroll structure and procedures for effectively and smoothly implementation?
- Sharpen on employee compensation and benefits administration and frameworks
- Develop the employee remuneration strategies for effectively implementation and the best practice
- Follow employee pay policy & criteria and benefits based on Cambodian and international context
- Smoothly manage compensation and benefit policies, procedures, and guidelines with the best practice and implementation
- Set up salary structure and grades and pay administration for employee satisfaction and motivation
- Manage employee payroll structure and procedures for effectively and smoothly implementation
Session I: Concept compensation and benefits
- What is compensation and benefits?
- The important of compensation and benefits
- Compensation and benefits administration
- Compensation and benefits framework
- Reviewing JD structure
- KESAR Rating
- Setup Salary, Grades and Pay structure
- Market Surveys
- Pay base on labor law
- Pay Performance & Seniority
- Pay COL
- Pay Scarcity of HR
- Understanding Human Need or Maslow need
- Understating what financial benefit
- Understating what non-financial benefit
- How to apply fringe benefits
- Understanding tax on personal income from Tax department
- Salary tax calculation
- Fringe benefit tax
- Salary and benefit tax template
- What is payroll administration?
- Payroll structure and procedures
- Payroll planning and process
- Payroll Earnings and Deductions
Mr. Phat Thomas, MBA. He currently works for leading MFIs as Vice President & Administration Director. He had worked for 15 years’ experience with a microfinance institution, Pharmaceutical distributor as HR and administration Director, and NGOs in the field of human resources and administration management. He also attended many local and international practical training programs on staff management, effective performance management, leadership, communication, administration management, human resource management, and development of SMEs in the Mekong region in Japan and exposer training on practical HR management in Philippine. He has almost ten years experiences on providing both Practical and Theory training to many universities levels, such as Human Resources Management, Office Management, Principle management, Strategy management, Entrepreneurship and time management and practical training to many companies and NGOs on Effective Practical Administration management, Effective Practical human resources management, Effective compensation and benefit management, Effective staff performance management, and Effective Training of trainer, and etc.
Training Methodology
The training methodology will be focused on Experience Based and Participatory Approaches include: lecture, student-centered including brainstorming, role play, small group discussion with plenary presentation, plenary discussion, group work, team involvement in decision making, participants’ problems raised during the workshop for discussion, communication game and any other contributions will be held in high respect.
Who should attend the course?
The course is designed for HR managers/officers, compensation and benefits executives/officers, all level of managers and who work related to managing human resources with employee compensation and benefits in order to manage their employee compensation and benefit more effectively within companies, NGOs and MFIs.
What will be included with the training course?
- Group photo of participants
- Training materials
- Certificates are awarded by LIFE
- Two lunches and four refreshment
More information
Tel: 069 5555 66 / 069 5555 28 / 011 777 355
Add: #921, St 371, Boeng TumPun, Mean cheay, Phnom Penh
Email: /
08-09 Aug
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