The Masters Course in Sustainable Tropical Forestry (SUTROFOR) is a two-year world-class programme aimed at preparing qualified graduates to deal with the huge challenges of contemporary tropical forestry. The programme is offered by a five university consortium consisting of the University of Copenhagen, Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning, Copenhagen(Denmark); Bangor University, School of Environment, Natural Resources and Geography, Bangor (UK); Dresden University of Technology, Institute of International Forestry and Forest Products, Dresden (Germany); Institut des sciences et industries du vivant et de l'environnement, AgroParisTech-ENGREF, Montpellier (France), and the University of Padova, College of Agriculture (Italy).
The Course consists of a year of study in one of three institutions (Bangor, Copenhagen, Dresden) followed by a second study year at one of the four other institutions. The aim of the first year is to provide a thorough and broad introduction to sustainable tropical forestry. This allows students to choose freely among the five specialisation options in the second year. The first year ends with the Joint Summer Module including field work in a tropical country. Specialisation options in the second year are agroforestry systems (Bangor), forests and livelihoods in developing countries (Copenhagen), tropical forest management (Dresden), environmental management and policies for tropical forests (Montpellier), or social and environmental responsibility in tropical forestry (Padova).
The main language of instruction is English with a French option in Montpellier. Local language courses are available at all the partner institutions. Total student population is expected to be 40 per year, giving a ratio of approximately 2 students to every one faculty member. The teaching staff is very active in research and students profit from their global expertise. The SUTROFOR Course offers an integrated study programme resulting in a double or joint degree that is fully accredited and recognised in all participating countries. Joint degrees are issued whenever possible, according to national legislation. In order to increase transparency across countries and facilitate academic and professional recognition of qualifications, SUTROFOR has developed a joint Diploma Supplement that provides a precise description of the Erasmus Mundus Degree as well as expected outcomes and professional status. election requires a strong Bachelor's degree, the applicant's CV, documentation of high proficiency in English (and French if choosing Montpellier), the applicant's personal statement of motivation, and recommendations from two references. All Consortium Partner Institutions have extensive experiences with hosting international masters students and a wide range of high quality services are available.
The Course consists of a year of study in one of three institutions (Bangor, Copenhagen, Dresden) followed by a second study year at one of the four other institutions. The aim of the first year is to provide a thorough and broad introduction to sustainable tropical forestry. This allows students to choose freely among the five specialisation options in the second year. The first year ends with the Joint Summer Module including field work in a tropical country. Specialisation options in the second year are agroforestry systems (Bangor), forests and livelihoods in developing countries (Copenhagen), tropical forest management (Dresden), environmental management and policies for tropical forests (Montpellier), or social and environmental responsibility in tropical forestry (Padova).
The main language of instruction is English with a French option in Montpellier. Local language courses are available at all the partner institutions. Total student population is expected to be 40 per year, giving a ratio of approximately 2 students to every one faculty member. The teaching staff is very active in research and students profit from their global expertise. The SUTROFOR Course offers an integrated study programme resulting in a double or joint degree that is fully accredited and recognised in all participating countries. Joint degrees are issued whenever possible, according to national legislation. In order to increase transparency across countries and facilitate academic and professional recognition of qualifications, SUTROFOR has developed a joint Diploma Supplement that provides a precise description of the Erasmus Mundus Degree as well as expected outcomes and professional status. election requires a strong Bachelor's degree, the applicant's CV, documentation of high proficiency in English (and French if choosing Montpellier), the applicant's personal statement of motivation, and recommendations from two references. All Consortium Partner Institutions have extensive experiences with hosting international masters students and a wide range of high quality services are available.