Training Course
31 March-01 April 2012 (Sat. & Sun.)
The inability of ESL teachers to effectively manage classroom behavior often contributes to the low achievement of at-risk students and their excessive referrals for education. These effects are exacerbated by the current pattern of teacher distribution, which reveals a disproportionate assignment of less qualified and less experienced teachers to classroom with economically disadvantaged children. The purposes of this Effective Classroom Management Methodologies training are to reveal new, unable, less experienced teachers and experienced to the capable teachers with high confidence when being in classroom. The training also aims at getting ready to fresh teachers for teaching, managing and controlling children effectively. DON’T MISS!
Course Coverage:
- Understanding classroom management definition: The wide range of definitions will demonstrate the possibility of concept ideas being beneficial to fresh, less experienced and experienced teachers.
Acknowledging misbehaviors and their causes: Many of classroom misbehaviors made by students are showed off comparing to participants tracking. Participants will realize the disruptive behaviors that they are able to define best solutions before going into the classroom. - Adapting effective prevention strategies: Many interactive methods distributed in this training give a start-up strategy to all participants. Useful and basic prevent strategies are being practiced in this training and made unique remarks to existing strategies used by the participants.
- Presenting strategies for misbehaviors: Interactive games are used as strategies to deal with minor and the most difficult misbehaviors of students. This method is used to avoid blaming or disappointing children but encouraging them to actively participate in learning and teaching process. All participants are also left some space to integrate their own discoveries of strategies to deal with the students’ misbehaviors.
- Understanding and applying the four steps of better classroom discipline: Four steps existed in highly effective classroom discipline presentation will be detailed in this training. All participants can fully adapt or set their own ways to use with their students. Basically, all participants are required to list down their own steps of better classroom discipline.
Who is the trainer?This training is conducted by Mr. Sou Savoeurn. He has over 10 years of teaching experiences and 5-year experiences in training Teachers of English within Not-for-profit organizations and private institutions. Currently, he is a chairman of Education Technical Team whose major roles are to improve quality work of education managers, principals and teachers.
Who should attend in this training?
Who should attend in this training?
- School/center principals
- Teachers/educators
- School secretaries
- Academic/teaching observers
- Coaches
- Parents
- School/center counselors
- Someone who wish to become ESL teachers
What does the training included?
- Four-time snack
- Training documents
- Certificate
Training Fee: US$ 35
10% discount for group of three registers and ACE Alumni (Who has joined any ACE trainings)
Location: 144EF, Street 143, Boeng Keng Kang III, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Tel: 023 023 63 22 093/ 092 142 606/ 088 334 14 14
Location: 144EF, Street 143, Boeng Keng Kang III, Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Tel: 023 023 63 22 093/ 092 142 606/ 088 334 14 14
Closing Date: 30 March 2012
50% of the profit will go to support more than 400 kids and youths from Various slum and poor remote areas in Cambodia!