Australia Awards Fellowships aim to develop leadership, address
priority regional development issues, and build partnerships and links
between Australian organisations and their partner organisations in
developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region, Latin America, the
Caribbean, Africa and the Middle East.
Australia Awards Fellowships engage with a wide cross-section of
the Australian community on aid delivery issues and priorities for
development. Through Australia Awards Fellowships, Australian
organisations have the opportunity to build and strengthen links with
organisations in developing countries by offering professional
development opportunities in Australia.
The goal of Australia Awards Fellowships is to develop
appropriately trained current and aspiring leaders in priority areas,
who, in the short to medium term, will be in a position to advance key
regional policy objectives and increase institutional capacity of
partner countries. Australia Awards Fellowships are designed to
complement individual bilateral country programs by offering flexible
learning opportunities that address current and emerging needs at the
country, sub-regional and regional levels.
Australia Awards Fellowships do not lead to academic qualifications.
Instead, they are designed to provide short term opportunities for
study, research and professional attachment programs in Australia,
delivered by Australian organisations, to nominated fellows from eligible countries.
Through Australia Awards Fellowships, Australian organisations can
apply for funding to support a range of professional development
activities that will build expertise and leadership capacity in eligible countries.
Overseas counterpart organisations and individual fellows must be
sponsored by an Australian organisation, and may not apply directly for
Australia Awards Fellowships. They may, however, initiate contact with
an Australian organisation to explore the organisation’s interest in
applying for fellowship funding.
Australia Awards Fellowships support a wide variety of areas
and sectors. Australian organisations are encouraged to design programs
that address priority areas, including disability and development,
economic growth, education, environment, food security, gender,
governance, health, human rights, infrastructure, mining for
development, regional stability, rural development and water and